349 7 5

January 29th 2007
"Joseph!"I called for him he appeared at his window of his bedroom and smiled before he disappeared from his window and a few seconds later his front door swung open and he shouted to his mother "I love you mum I'll be back later!" I heard his mothers voice say something along the lines of "be safe love you too" he closed the door behind him "hi" he said with a smile i was heartbroken to have to tell him im moving to america and I probably won't ever see him again I leave tomorrow

"Okay so next week I was thinking we could probably meet up at my house and..." he talked on about plans he wanted to do next week but I stared blankly at the ground my mind was somewhere else trying to think of ways to tell him he must have noticed I wasn't paying attention because he nudged my shoulder with his "you okay?" He asked I sighed at said "I...need to tell you something" he looked at me with a confused expression on his face "what?"

I saw a bench and told him "you should sit" I said he started to get worried I could see it "please" he was hesitant but sat I sat down next to him turning a bit to face him "I'm...moving" I said "oh to where? Like a different neighborhood" he asked I shook my head "America" I whispered he sat forward a bit "what?" He asked "America" I said once more he sat back a quiet "oh" leaving his lips he looked at the ground a sad expression on his face "when do you leave?" He said I could hear the sadness in his tone "tomorrow" I said he looked at me tears started to fill my eyes "tomorrow? Why didn't you tell me sooner?" He asked "I didn't want to make you sad"i sniffled he put a hand on my back

"Im gonna miss you" he whispered "I'm gonna miss you too so much" he pulled me into a tight embrace as tears fell from my eyes he started to cry as well we pulled away and I remembered "I have something for you" I reached down to my bag pulling out a necklace I had gotten him it was a half circle I had the other half he put it on immediately and promised never to take it off and after that night that was the last time I ever saw him

Joseph.... (Joseph Quinn x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now