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Joseph asked me on a date! Of course I said yes I told him about how the break up went he was pissed that Michael laid a hand on me but I told him to let it go he's out of our lives now anyways I woke up and got ready we're going for a picnic date i told Joseph when we were young I always dreamed of a date like that and he remembered so we're doing it

I picked this dress and paired it with some light blue converse I heard a knock and I headed to the door joseph stood there with flowers my favorite to be exact "Joseph you remembered" I whispered as I took them "I remember everything about you" h...

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I picked this dress and paired it with some light blue converse I heard a knock and I headed to the door joseph stood there with flowers my favorite to be exact "Joseph you remembered" I whispered as I took them "I remember everything about you" he said I blushed and put them in a vase quickly before heading out he opened his car door and I got in it was currently 1:00pm and we arrived at the spot at 1:20pm

I gasped as I saw it, it was perfect so beautiful and cute and cozy "do you like it?" He asked "yes I love it!" I exclaimed  he smiled and we began to eat and joke he had me laughing up a storm "I really love your dress by the way" he said "oh thank you I really love your button up I've never seen you wear that color" I said "what burgundy?" He questioned "yes" I nodded "I like it,it suits you" i added he smiled a closed smile it went silent but not in an awkward way in a moment to admire each other way if that makes sense He leaned forward and kissed me gently

"You wanna pick up and get back in the car?" He asked "you do what?" I asked "I don't know...we could go back to my place and watch a movie if you want" he said I nodded "sounds good" we cleaned up and got in the car it was a quick ride to his house we arrived his house was beautiful "Joseph this is gorgeous" I said "thanks I just brought it like a month ago" he said we entered his house and I heard little tippy tappy noises against the wood floor i was confused until the cutest little dog came around the corner

we could go back to my place and watch a movie if you want" he said I nodded "sounds good" we cleaned up and got in the car it was a quick ride to his house we arrived his house was beautiful "Joseph this is gorgeous" I said "thanks I just brought...

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"Awww oh my god you have a dog"I said crouching down the little animal "yeah this is daisy" he smiled down at her while putting her head "she is so adorable how long have you had her?" I asked "about 3 weeks or so they were selling her for $900 and if nobody got her they were gonna just leave her so I took one look at her and I loved her so I got her" my heart melted at the story "that is so sweet"

After playing with Daisy we picked a movie and cuddled on the sofa "do you wanna stay over?" He asked "yeah...but I don't have anything to sleep in" he shrugged "you can borrow some of my clothes" I nodded he ended up giving me a t shirt that was so big on me it covered me so it worked I was much smaller then him and I've come to realize this I giggled "what?" He asked "nothing I'm just so much smaller than you" he smiled "alright love you ready for bed?" He asked I nodded and blushed at the name

Joseph.... (Joseph Quinn x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now