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Hi everyone I know my writing is awful so I just wanna apologize for that but I enjoy doing this

It's been a week that me and Joseph have been exploring our feelings for each other and it's been great we went on another date and he asked me to be his girlfriend of course the answer was yes
We sat there on the bench in the park and he took my hand into his and started "so now that we've gone on 2 dates...I wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend" he said blushing lightly "yes!, yes of course I will!" I exclaimed kissing him

Joseph and I have decided to keep it out of the eyes of the public I tried on his on of his rings today and it fit I was about to give it back but he said "No, keep it. I want you to have it." I smiled "aw thank you baby" I said he headed off to his trailer and Millie came into my trailer "so I take it you got with Joseph" she said "yeah I did" I said I put up my hand "he even let me keep his ring" she smiled "thanks so cute" she said I just nodded and smiled she left out and I got ready

As I was getting on the last shoe I had to put on Joseph came up and kissed me gently "hi baby" I mumbled "hi...so you wanna go back to my place tonight?" He asked "yeah..what do you wanna do?" I asked kissing his cheek "I had a few things in mind" he said as his hand trailed further up my thigh I gasped and he kissed me before pulling away I looked at him as he walked away what am I gonna do with this man? I shook my head and tried not to think about it I ended up thinking about it all day and everytime I saw Joseph it got worse he was so handsome I was kinda confused as to why he was on set because he's finished filming all his scenes but now I understand it was just to tease me

After I was done shooting I got changed and went Joseph "I'm ready to go" I said "okay"he said before saying goodbye to gaten we got in the car the trip was short to his house we got out and went into his house....

Joseph.... (Joseph Quinn x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now