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We finished filming the first episode we decided to go out celebrating by going swimming only problem with that I can't swim and when I was 13 Joseph also couldn't swim so I assume he still can't so I figured I would have a buddy to sit outside in the pool so they wouldn't question it

"Y/n why aren't you getting in?" noah asked. "I'm going to get in just a minute."I lied Joseph walked over and to ten table next to me stripping off his shirt and putting it on the table he was pretty fit he waved to me and went to the pool diving in I guess he did learn to swim I sat there at the table nervously shuffling with my hands as they all had fun Joseph noticed and got out coming to me crouching down in front of me "you still can't swim can you?" He asked I nodded "go ahead laugh I know I'm a 26 year old who can't swim" I said "hey I'm not gonna laugh I'm gonna teach you" he said I looked at him "where did you learn?" I asked "summer camp. After you left I was sad and my parents wanted me to have a distraction so they sent me to summer camp" I nodded and he grabbed my hand pulling me up

"Let's go" he said I was scared but we went down the steps and into the shallow end so I could stand but we started moving to the deep end and I started panicking so I started to pull away "hey hey it's okay" he reassured "okay now kick you legs and move your arms like this" he demonstrated I tried it and I actually did it he smiled and clapped "you got it!" I swam back to him and he turned around so I could hop on his back We had a splash fight and water guns were next we were a team we kicked ass just saying we also pushed Finn in the pool cause he's an asshole and once we got out we scarfed Doritos

Joseph.... (Joseph Quinn x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now