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I've been on set for 3 days now I came out of my trailer looking at my phone I ran into someone "I'm sorry" I said quickly "oh no that's quite alright" I looked up and froze "Joseph" I whispered I saw his eyes widen "y/n" he said he grabbed me pulling me into a tight embrace tears formed in my eyes "I've missed you so much" he said "so have I so much"my voice broke he pulled away slightly just to look at my face "I never thought I'd see you again" he said I nodded

We heard the clank of magnets snapping together, and looked down to see our necklaces had connected we lightly chuckled and caught up with each other and exchanging phone numbers he was the exact same funny and sweet he looks different not in a bad way

he looks really good he's gotten so tall and he was very handsome he even grew a little facial hair "Can I say something?" He asked I nodded "I really did miss you so much and honestly my life has always felt incomplete without you" he said I smiled at him and hugged him "mine too I tried to find you but I couldn't" I said "I don't have any socials" he said I nodded

We told everyone we knew each other cause they asked why we were hugging and crying they thought it was adorable my life felt complete again now that I have my best friend back

Joseph.... (Joseph Quinn x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now