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3 months later

It's been 3 months that I've been with Michael and it's going great Joseph and Veronica are still going strong as well Millie came into my trailer and asked me "are you okay?" She asked "yeah I'm fine" I shrugged "really cause you just moved on from Joseph really quick" she said I took a deep breath and turned to her "I needed to he doesn't love me" I said "can you go now? I have to get ready" I added she turned and left I got ready and we filmed are scenes

Joseph's pov

Veronica is cheating on me I don't know what to do I love her but now that I've learned about this is can't stay with her "Veronica we need to talk" I said she turned to me "what is it Q?" She asked I hate when she calls me that "I know you're cheating on me" I said she looked at me her breathing sped up "we need to break up" I whispered "no please Joseph you have to understand it was a mistake" she pleaded "no no get out I'm breaking up with you" she started screaming at me "YOU CANT DO THIS TO ME!" She screamed "you cheated on me" I stated calmly she stomped out of my trailer and left in her car

Y/ns pov

I Heard Veronica screaming and then she stormed out of Joseph's trailer Joseph watched as she left his trailer and then walked back inside they just broke up didn't they? I shook my head and focused in on my lines scanning over them quickly before going to my next set and filming my scene I heard Michaels voice call for me when I walking out "hi baby" I said he picked me up kissing me 

"What are doing here baby?" I asked "I came to see you and I brought you dinner" he said lifting up the bag "oh thank you that's so sweet" I smiled  we found a table outside and began to eat "so how was your day?" He asked "good it was good" I said "yours?" I asked "it was okay" he said "just okay?" He nodded "I'm sorry babe" I said he grabbed my hand "it's okay baby"

Happy new years y'all

Joseph.... (Joseph Quinn x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now