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March 24th 2020
Last week I sent my audition to the duffers for stranger things season 4 I'm auditioning for a Character named Ramona I just hope I get the part they will call today "don't worry you'll get it" marissa said Ah yes marissa my friend I met two years ago and now we live in an apartment together "thanks" I looked down at the half circle hanging on my neck holding it in my hand. It was a good luck charm for me now every time I look at this necklace I'm reminded of my friend I tried to look for him before, but no luck. It's like he's a ghost. At least I hope he's not

I've made new friends besides marissa i haven't had a friend quite like joseph yet though but they're better than nothing sometimes I think of going back to London and staying there maybe I'll go back to my old flat and go to Joseph's house maybe he still lives there after all this time I doubt it but maybe his parents are there and they can tell where he is I really really miss him. But nothing compares to the first weeks without him I went to school and they made fun of me for my accent (which is still have I thought I would lose it living here nope) and when I went home I would go to my room and cry into my pillow not because they made fun of me because I didn't have Joseph with me

But that's enough about Joseph this is about me my phone rang i picked it up quickly and answered "hello" I said "hi is this y/n l/n" they asked "yes" I responded "okay well I'm happy to congratulate you! You got the part!" I gasped "oh my god thank you!" I told Marissa she hugged me and i called my parents and told them I'm so excited to start meeting everyone next week

Joseph.... (Joseph Quinn x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now