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Joseph pinned me to the wall and kissed me passionately he pulled me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried me up the stairs "I'm gonna take good good care of you" he whispered in my ear it sent shivers down my spine he laid me down on his bed his eyes were dark and full of lust he climbed on-top of me his hands on either side of my head holding himself up before he leaned down and began kissing my neck and chest leaving redish purple marks along my collar bone "oh Joseph" I moaned out in pure bliss he trailed kisses up my neck to my ear and lightly nibbled on my earlobe before getting off of me and helping to remove my shirt and bra

I reached up and took off his shirt his muscle were so defined he was so fit he kissed my lips and then moved to work on my pants he unbuttoned them and pulled them off he lightly thumbed my clit through my underwear i through my head back with a low moan "oh look at that you've made a mess" he said as he touched the wet spot on my underwear "who made you this wet?" He questioned "you,you did" i whimpered he pulled my underwear off "fuck" he mumbled "all of you is fucking gorgeous" he added

He ran and finger through my wet folds before pushing a finger into me I moaned so loud I practically screamed my hips bucked up "ah ah patience my darling" he smirked before he took his arm and draped it across my waist holding my hips down he added a second finger "oh fucking hell!" I whimpered his arm still holding me down he added a third and i felt myself getting closer he sped up the pace and curling his fingers hitting my g spot his name left my mouth repeatedly suddenly I felt it I was gonna cum "j I'm gonna cum oh god!"

"Go on cum baby cum on my fingers" he said with that I came "that's it baby" he said as he coaxed me through my orgasm after I finished he pulled his fingers out I whined feeling empty he popped his fingers into his mouth and sucked them clean "Mm baby you taste fucking delicious...I need more" he leaned back down and licked between my folds and finally to my core he moaned as he tasted me and inserted his tongue into me I screamed out "oh god Joseph don't stop!" He placed his thumb on my clit and rubbed "I'm gonna cum again" i shrieked "cum on my tongue baby let me taste you" he mumbled I came feeling a gush of liquid come out of me I squirted I've never done that before "oh my god J I'm so sorry" I said out of breath "sorry? That was fucking hot!" He exclaimed his face wet with my juices "and it tasted divine" he added

He got up and pushed his pants and boxers down I gasped at his size "Joseph" I whispered "what is it okay?" He asked "is it oka-...Joseph you're huge prettiest dick I've ever seen in my life" I said he blushed I got off the bed and kneeled down in front of him "oh you don't have to-oh oh Mm" he moaned as I took him into my mouth "just like that baby" he took a handful of my hair and I moaned at the feeling humming around him he threw his head back I took him deep into my throat my eyes watering a bit but it was worth it joseph was moaning so loud I felt his member twitch "I'm gonna cum" he moaned a few seconds later he came his hot cum filling my mouth I swallowed it moaning at the flavor

I laid on the bed and he got on top of me inserting his member into me he stretched me just fucking right it felt so good "oh j" I moaned he whimpered as he picked up the pace "oh my god" I whined "yeah baby take it take it" he grunted after a few more thrust I felt my self about to finish "Joseph Im gonna cum" I said "me too baby me too are you on the pill?" he asked I nodded "together?" I asked he nodded and we came together our sweaty bodies pressed together we panted and he kissed me passionately he pulled out and pulled me in close "that was amazing" I said "yeah it was" "I've never squirted before" I said "really never I was the first guy to do it?" He asked "mhm" I nodded before kissing him "you wanna hop in the shower?" I nodded "okay round two in there?" He asked "you know it baby"

Joseph.... (Joseph Quinn x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now