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I opened the door to see Joseph standing there "come in" I said he came in and sat on the couch I sat next to him "I have something I need to tell you" I said he looked at me "what is it?" He asked "ever since we reunited I've been so happy to see you,yes but I think I've discovered that I....I'm in love with you" I said he looked down at his hands that were fidgeting with the strings on his sweatpants

"I-wow..y/n I uh didn't expect this" he said "you don't feel the same do you?" I questioned sadly "it's just i....no" he whispered tears began to fill my eyes "I have to stay faithful to Veronica I love her" he said he noticed my tears "oh no please don't cry I'm sorry I just-" he started but I cut him off "Please just go" I said

"Wait y/n pl-" "no I said go!" I raised my voice a little he turned away defeated and left my trailer I sat on my couch curling up in a ball and crying I heard the door open and saw Sadie, Millie, and maya walk through "oh no" mille whispered coming to me I didn't need to explain they had already knew what happened I sat up and they wrapped there arms around me "I love h-him so much" I said through my sobs "we know awww it's okay we're so sorry" they said soothing me
We all talked all night and all ended up falling asleep in my trailer

I got dressed and walked out on set we had a table read today I walked into the room and Josephs eyes followed me until I didn't sit next to him like I usually do I sat at the other end of the table he looked down sadly I blinked away tears and got through the table read I need to figure out how to move on

Joseph.... (Joseph Quinn x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now