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We've started filming I don't speak to Joseph much still I'm just trying to make it all go away and then I can talk to him "y/n!" I heard him yell to me I turned around and waved and was going to continue walking but he caught up to me and grabbed my arm gently "why are you avoiding me?" He questioned "what I'm no-" I was cut off "cut the bullshit your avoiding me why?" He asked "I'm not" I said walking away he was going to come after me but Veronica came in and grabbed him "hi baby" she said

I went to Millie "can we talk?" I asked she nodded "of course" "I like someone but they have someone already" I said she looked at me "who is he?" She asked "I can't tell you that" I mumbled "oh so it's someone I know too" she said I looked at her and nodded "well you don't have to tell me but I think I know" she held my hand I looked down

"is it Joseph?" She asked I nodded "oh you poor thing" she hugged me and called Sadie she told Sadie and they comforted me soon enough Maya knew and they are were trying to console me as I cried "you should tell him" they said "what? no I can't" I said "why not? you love him" they argued "but he has a girlfriend "okay? At least tell him your feelings" maya said "no no I can't" After about 30 minutes of convincing I agreed to tell him

I went to my trailer and called him he answered quickly "hello" I said "hello y/n" he said "um could you come to my trailer?" I asked "yes" he replied without hesitation "okay see you soon" I said I hung up and waited while I waited i rehearsed what I would say what if this ruins everything a knock interrupted my thoughts...

Joseph.... (Joseph Quinn x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now