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With the ground outside covered by orange and yellow leaves, it was a typical fall day in New Orleans. And as they ought to do in a quiet afternoon, Bonnie and Klaus were holed up in the study, content with each other's presence.

"I was thinking, love," Klaus started to say, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled in the library. Nestled on the couch with a book and a cup of tea, Bonnie looked up from the book on her lap.

Them living together was still weird to Bonnie, a decision she questioned every time she pondered on the subject. After all, Klaus was the maniacal hybrid that tried to kill her and her friends, and their residence was a freaking plantation. What could be more ironic than a black witch shacking up with a vampire at a place that represented her ascendants' oppression?

In a surprising turn of events, Bonnie got used to being around Klaus. They still bickered and there were times she considered going on a road trip to search for the white oak stake and stab him with it, but they got along for most of the time. With almost eight bedrooms and thousands of square feet to go around, the mansion was so grand that they didn't have to socialize if they didn't feel like it. However, as Bonnie came to realize, Klaus fancied himself a loner creature, but couldn't spend a day without seeking her out. When they first got in New Orleans, he would conjure up a multitude of excuses to initiate a conversation.

Now, two years later, it was usual for them to spend away a lazy day in the library or in the porch during the summer. Bonnie would nurse a cup of coffee or some sweet tea, while Klaus sipped on his favorite Bourbon. And unlike Bonnie had ever expected, their conversations weren't stilted or awkward. They could talk about anything and everything, from Klaus' traveling around the world to Bonnie's college experience at Tulane University.

"Yeah, that happens sometimes," Bonnie retorted with a small grin as she cradled her pink leopard printed mug with both hands. Focused on blowing on her piping hot tea with as much care she could muster, she ignored him for a second, which earned her a scowl from Klaus. The guy was as old as dirt, but some of his behavior reminded Bonnie of a spoiled little kid. "What?"

"Maybe you could try to convince Rebekah to come home. For some reason, she thinks it's better to be there with that human instead of being with her family."

Not expecting that, Bonnie couldn't help but snicker at Klaus' apparent confusion. He was the one who daggered his sister, put her in a slumber state and then kept her unconscious body in a coffin for years and years. Why on earth would Klaus expect Rebekah to forgive all of his misdeeds and come running to him at a finger snap?

"Honestly, you should let your sister do her own thing for now. After all, you did dagger her because she had the audacity of falling in love with Marcel," Bonnie said, ignoring the way that Klaus' eyebrow rose in surprise.

Did he really expect her to agree with him and go in a Rebekah bashing session? Bonnie might not be the blonde's biggest fan, but she knew that Rebekah was alright, content in her little domestic bliss with Matt. No way was she getting involved in that family issue. It was bad enough that Elijah was back in New Orleans, and she had to cohabitate with him. Rebekah moving into the plantation had the potential to be disastrous, as Bonnie lacked the skills to deal with three Originals on top of everything happening in her life.

"I already told you, little witch. It wasn't the falling in love, it was the betrayal. Rebekah could have anyone she wanted but she chose Marcel, with the intent of driving a wedge between me and my son," Klaus argued; his right hand gripping the crystal tumbler with all of his might. It was a wonder of nature that the seemingly delicate object was able to withstand the force.

Observing Klaus; all tense with rigid shoulders that looked about to touch his ears and lips curled downward in distaste, Bonnie knew she had touched a sore spot. His relationship with Marcel, who went from being a son to a kingdom stealer, was a complex one, as Klaus hadn't dealt with his own emotions yet. Almost two years had passed since they arrived in New Orleans and Klaus still mourned the emotional loss of his adoptive son. Even though Marcel was alive and there, the two of them didn't share the same connection anymore.

Bonnie would never admit it out loud, but she believed that was the reason why they had yet to take over his so desired kingdom, even after years. To retrieve his position as the Top Dog in the city and be respected by everyone, Klaus would have to kill Marcel. And as heartless as Klaus might be, Bonnie didn't think he would be able to do that.

"Besides, why would you think Rebekah would ever listen to me? She thinks I'm a lunatic for being here with you," Bonnie pointed out, trying to dispel any crazy ideas that might be brewing in the hybrid's mind. Not one to be deterred, Klaus tried again.

"Rebekah needs to hear how stupid she's acting from someone else other than me."

If someone were to ask Bonnie, Klaus assuredness regarding his plans to bring his sister back bordered on crazy. How could someone so smart and charming possess such a lack of self-awareness? He was acting like Rebekah was a stubborn teenager; refusing to recognize any of her hurt feelings. She also didn't understand why Klaus thought Rebekah would listen to a word she said.

In Rebekah's eyes, Bonnie was as bad as Klaus. To the vampire, Bonnie was throwing away the life she had to go and become Klaus' slave. So the odds of Bonnie being the person to get through to Rebekah when Elijah had failed were pretty slim.

"Keep telling yourself that," Bonnie said, making a slurping unladylike noise as she drained her tea.

Stealing a glance at the clock hanging on the wall, Bonnie all but jumped from the couch when she noticed the time. As usual, she let herself spend way too much time in that study with Klaus, when she should be getting ready for class. Arching an eyebrow, Klaus questioned her without having to say a single word. In moments like those, Bonnie would get freaked out by the strong connection they shared. While they had slept together more than once- or even twice- that was only supposed to be physical, nothing more than two people having fun. This, being able to understand each other with a single glance, was more than Bonnie could ever expect or want.

Catching feelings for Klaus a few weeks after she broke off their partners with benefits deal could only spell trouble for Bonnie.

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