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The aftermath of the horrific argument between Klaus, Rebekah and Bonnie brought a tension thick enough to disrupt the little family setting they had been trying to build ever since getting back from London. The proverbial line had been drawn in the sand, and it was clear that Bonnie was not letting Klaus off the hook when it came to this, choosing to side with Rebekah. Klaus, hurt by the perceived betrayal from both Rebekah and Bonnie, had taken to reclusion. Elijah, the ever diplomat, was trying his best to work on a reconciliation between these three hard headed people, but that was proving to be quite the difficult task.

Holed up in their non official headquarters, the room that would be the nursery to the newest Mikaelson, Bonnie and Rebekah were discussing color swatches and analyzing the colors that had been painted on a part of the wall as samples when Elijah entered the vicinity. As expected, his presence was ignored. Talking about the pros and cons of having a coffered ceiling seemed to be more important than acknowledging him. His lips curled upwards in amusement.

"I see you've taken to ignoring me," Elijah commented, keeping his tone light. The tension was bad enough without him antagonizing them.

"Whatever gave you that idea, brother?" Rebekah questioned; not bothering to look at him in the face as she flipped through the fabric samples. Her voice was as sweet and smooth as molasses, but Elijah knew better. She was still upset with the whole debacle. Her pride wouldn't let her show it, though.

"I could tell you, but that does not matter. What is important at this moment is ceasing the animosity in this house. Something wrong with what I've said, Bonnie?" Elijah asked when Bonnie snorted; feeling like a school teacher for his semi admonishment.

"I'm all for peace and holding hands to sing a song, but it's not going to happen. Not like that," Bonnie answered with a shrug, not caring if she would ruin Elijah's peacemaking plans by not complying with him.

"Whyever not? Considering that a child will be born into this family in less than six months, I would expect all of us to make an effort to have an appropriate environment."

What Elijah said made sense, Bonnie knew that. No baby should be born into a life of family chaos. That was the last thing she wanted for her daughter. However, knowing Elijah was right didn't stop Bonnie from seeing red with his comment. He meant well, but the guy could be so condescending sometimes. It almost felt like he was scolding them for reacting the way they did when it came to Klaus.

"I would expect you to have this conversation with your brother, also," Bonnie said; choosing to use some of his words almost as a way to mock his attitude. "Because I refuse to be held as the sole responsible for this mess."

Elijah sighed; stuffing both hands inside the pockets of his dark grey slacks and turned his head to give Rebekah a meaningful stare. The blonde, in an uncharacteristic move, stayed quiet and averted his gaze. For some reason, that made Bonnie's blood boil even hotter than before. For a thousand year old man who was supposed to be the smartest of them, Elijah was sure being stupid. Didn't he know that you just don't piss off a pregnant lady?

"Oh, please, Elijah. Don't try to act like you care about family harmony when it's clear that you blame the two of us for this mess!" Bonnie exclaimed, feeling the need to defend both herself and Rebekah from his silent accusations.

"I do not blame you, but you have to admit that there's some responsibility to be had. The situation did not have to escalate to that point," Elijah said. Bonnie's face went from its usual caramel hue to bright red in record time. As her body filled with indignation and anger, Bonnie could feel her face and ears get warmer and warmer to the point she thought she was blowing steam.

"Are you serious? How did we escalate the situation? As far as I can tell, we were minding our own business when Klaus barged into the room like a maniac and started choking the life out of your sister!"

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