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Not even an hour in her hometown, Bonnie's already starting to regret making this trip. She doesn't know how Caroline is going to react when she sees her after almost two years with little to no contact. At first, Bonnie didn't really care about what her friend had to say about her weird relationship with Klaus, but being away from Care just made her realized how much she loved her best friend. Besides, Klaus is moping about their situation, and that just made her want to leave. Klaus was annoying when he was in his normal state, and he was just unbearable now. Being in Mystic Falls is weird, but it's way better than staying home with Klaus giving her looks that make her uncomfortable and mad. Yeah, she knows he's not pleased with the recent events, but needs to stop acting like he's the only one affected by all of this.

Perhaps choosing the holidays to do this wasn't the best idea, since it probably meant everybody would be in town. She didn't keep much contact with her old life, but she knew a little about everyone, from the emails Caroline would send her. She knew Matt was in a somewhat relationship with Rebekah, Elena was attending Whitmore, but she was still in that never ending love triangle from hell. It pains her to say this, but Bonnie kind of understands it. Hell, she moved miles and miles to get away from everything and she ended pregnant with her former enemy's baby.

Sometimes, it's hard to break the cycle.

She's nervous, and can feel her heartbeat speed up now that she's standing on Caroline's porch, and she has no idea how her friend would react to her showing up after so much time. The thought of Caroline rejecting her right now would probably set her off, and it wouldn't be pretty.

Caroline comes out to answer the door wearing sweat pants with a hoodie, and a very annoyed look on her face. Bonnie's lips curl just a little when she realizes that Caroline was probably asleep, and she remembers how the girl got when someone would wake her up from her naps.

"Did I wake you up?" Bonnie asks, as she can't think of anything else to say. Caroline stands still, looking like she's trying to process the fact that Bonnie is standing right in front of her.

"B-bonnie! You're here!" Caroline says in a weak voice. Ever since Bonnie left, she dreamed about having her best friend by her side while they went to college, in the way everything was supposed to be. They should be going to frat parties and hooking up with hot guys, not being like this. "Am I hallucinating? I did drink half a bottle of Jameson yesterday..."

"You're a vampire and you don't get drunk that easily. No, it's me. I think it's been way too long, don't you think?" Bonnie says, and feels relief wash over her when Caroline pulls her in a tight hug.

"You're back, and now things can be the way they were meant to be in the first place. Sure, you have to hash things out with Elena, but then we'll be back on track. And maybe I'll have to compel a few people so you can get into Whitmore right now, but it'll be worth it, right?"

The words come out of Caroline's mouth so fast that Bonnie can barely keep up with her. All she gets is that Care thinks she's back for good and wants her to attend Whitmore with her and Elena. Damn, how is she going to explain to her that she has an entire life back in New Orleans?

"We should go inside, I'm freezing!" Bonnie suggests, rubbing her arms for good measure, even though it's a lie. Yeah, it's snowing and cold, but she can barely feel it anymore. She thinks it's because she's carrying a hybrid fetus and that's probably messing with her.

They get inside, Caroline pulling her by the hand, as if she would disappear at any minute. It's been way too long, but they end up sitting on the couch with spiced hot chocolate just like old times. However, there's some tension in the air, and Bonnie knows Caroline is hesitant to say anything.

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