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What do you want, Damon?" Bonnie spit out; a little surprised at the way her voice got tainted by disdain when she said his name. It was such an immediate reaction to his voice that Bonnie couldn't help it.

Besides, who could blame her for the attitude?

Damon Salvatore was the same guy who could only see her as a walking and talking magic spell at worst and Elena's close friend at best. If Bonnie was going to be honest, he was one of the people who made her feel like shit, like her life wasn't worth a damn when compared to everyone else's. So yeah, it was a little hard to be pleasant when she was talking to him.

Klaus, who was focused on rocking the baby girl who was fighting off sleep, tensed up as soon as he heard the familiar voice. His eyes locked with Bonnie's for a moment and he raised a questioning eyebrow. Bonnie had left; allowing that city to become nothing but a place filled with nostalgic and bitter memories.

So why the fuck was the lesser Salvatore calling her on a Thursday night? If Klaus had learnt one thing, it was that his entire existence was better when the Scooby gang was out of his life.

"Whoa, you can retract your claws, witchy!" Damon said, and Bonnie could just imagine the smug, sarcastic grin on his lips. It had been a while since she last heard Damon's voice and she didn't exactly miss it.

Her mind had come to associate Damon with all the awful things that had happened to her during her teenage years, so Bonnie wasn't excited to sit down and chat with him. Especially in a night that had been going so well. She had just managed to convince Marcel, a vampire who was as stubborn as Klaus, to accept the werewolves' return to the city without having to resort to bloodbaths and chaos. This night was supposed to be about celebrating, getting tipsy on Veuve Clicquot Vintage Rosé and kissing until her lips became red and swollen. Bonnie missed that; feeling young and reckless.

Of course her perfect plans had to be foiled by Damon Salvatore.

"I can also hang up and never take your call again," Bonnie said, rolling her eyes in annoyance. If Damon thought she was the same vulnerable witch she had been a few years ago, he was in for a big surprise.

"I'm sure you'll be filled with regret if you hang up and cut this delightful conversation short."

Bonnie snorted; an unladylike sound that came out louder than she expected. In her father's arms, Amari whined a little, but settled down when Klaus smoothed her messy curls.

"And why is that?" she asked without much interest. Strangely enough-or maybe it wasn't strange at all- her mind wasn't focused on Damon and whatever he had to say. Watching Klaus interact with their baby was a much better distraction.

"Look, I know we don't always get along because not everybody can understand my distinguished personality, but-"

"Just say whatever you have to say, Damon," Bonnie urged with a bored tone before setting the phone on speaker and placing it down on the bed. Uncomfortable with her tight clothes, she shimmied out of the tight wrap skirt and walked towards the closet.

In silence, Klaus followed her every move while he also paid attention to the conversation. Even though he was far from pleased that Damon was taking up Bonnie's time when they could be doing far more pleasurable activities, it was amusing to see the older Salvatore was still a pathetic vampire who believed he was too big for his britches. Also, his witch did look adorable when her lips pursed to form an expression of utter impatience. She was quickly tiring of this conversation, much like himself.

"We need your ass back in Mystic Falls. Everyone's favorite human was kidnapped," Damon finally revealed after a short moment of silence.

Bonnie's brain, which was not expecting to be hit with that information, took a good ten seconds to properly process and understand what Damon had said. When the message was clear- Matt had been kidnapped- her body started to react. Her palms got a little damp, even though they had the air conditioner running at a very pleasant temperature, and Bonnie started to feel a little lightheaded, as if blood had stopped pumping inside her veins. Her knees buckled, like she had just finished dancing the two acts of Giselle, and she would've fallen down if it wasn't for the bench next to her.

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