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After a year and a few months of living together in New Orleans, Bonnie and Klaus have their routine down to a pat. Having to work together and rely on each other to protect themselves from the rest of the city made the two of them reach a tentative friendship. Bonnie likes to categorize their relationship as an 'almost friendship'. On good days, they are able to hang out and have a civilized conversation. For someone who kept his siblings in coffins, Klaus could be pretty charming. On bad days, Klaus locks himself in his study, drinks enough liquor to give an entire frat house alcohol poisoning, and Bonnie finds the body of some poor girl in the living room. These days make Bonnie regret her decision of coming to New Orleans. Seeing his victims, and the casual way he treats the whole thing makes her sick, but she doesn't want to start another conflict with him.

Today seems to be a good day for Bonnie. Most of her morning and afternoon was spent at Tulane, her time split between theoretical classes and rehearsals for the upcoming audition for the company. It's tiring, but Bonnie appreciates having college to keep busy. Even though she had adapted quickly to being in a different place, Bonnie's been feeling some homesick.

Ever since she left Mystic Falls, her contact with her past life has been scarce. Her dad, who had to be convinced to accept Bonnie's wish of going to another state instead of attending Whitmore College, called her a few times every month, and was understanding when she said she didn't have time to visit Mystic Falls. For the first time in her life, Bonnie is relieved that her father is too busy with work to check on her constantly.

The state of her relationship with her old her friends, however, is kinda up in the air. Caroline, Elena, Matt and Jeremy tried to contact her. At first, she would get calls and texts from them every day. Most of the time, they would ask her where she was, how she was doing, if they could go see her, and so on. After a while, it all became overwhelming, and Bonnie changed numbers. Needless to say, the calls and texts stopped, but Caroline continued to email her every week, telling her how was life back home. As much as Bonnie wants to forget all the traumatic events in Mystic Falls, it hurts to be away from Care.

"You're here."

Klaus' voice startles her out of her thoughts as she is making her way to the kitchen. He's sitting on the black leather couch with an Edgar Allen Poe book on his lap and a partially filled glass in his right hand. Bonnie sees the Macallan 25 bottle on the coffee table, and she tenses. The scene in front of her has the makings of a bad day for Klaus, and she remembers he was supposed to see Marcel to discuss their terms for the new kingdom. It probably didn't go well.

"Come and join me in my celebration," Klaus says, pointing to his impressive liquor collection.

"Wait, this is a celebration? I thought you were in mourning and I would hate to interrupt you," Bonnie replies sarcastically, and is not surprised when she sees him rolling his eyes. She pays him no mind because she's too distracted by all the booze in front of her. Bottles in all kinds of shape, size and colors are lined up in three shelves. It looks like an alcoholic's paradise, and it's all overwhelming.

"Do all vampires have an illegal liquor store in their living room?" she mutters, remembering the stock of booze that Damon and Stefan kept at the Boardinghouse. The two brothers, much like Klaus, were always nursing a glass filled with Bourbon or whiskey. "Honestly, I think vampires single handedly support the liquor industry."

"They say it help with the cravings," he explains with a shrug. "I guess this is more of a habit for me."

Bonnie chooses a girly, raspberry flavored Absolut vodka, and wonders if Klaus even knows he has that in his house.

"Sorry, but how does that even remotely resemble a celebration? Was that how you Vikings partied back in the day, with whiskey and poetry? It looks like you are a very emo Viking, Mr Mikaelson," Bonnie says with a laugh, as she fills a glass with half vodka and half tonic water. She's feeling way more relaxed now that she knows Klaus is happy. Well, his version of happy.

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