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"Come on, Klaus. My time is completely filled between you, magic and college. You really think I have the time to be sleeping around? I hate to inflate your oversized ego, but you're the guy. There's no one else," Bonnie whispers the last sentence, feeling a sudden exhaustion wash over her. She wants to be sarcastic, witty and pretend she doesn't give a damn about this fucked up situation, but she can't.

She is pregnant, knocked up, bun in the oven and all. The only thing she wants is some support from her baby daddy. Gods, Bonnie mentally snorts, Klaus Mikaelson will be her baby daddy. She then takes a look at him; he seems to be two seconds away from going completely rogue. And by rogue she means he looks like he's about to kill her with his bare hands. She knows it; she's seen that expression on his face before he destroyed one of the vampires Marcel sicced on him.

"What I know is that vampires cannot procreate, darling. So I think you should drop this charade and come clean," Klaus says with a hard voice, showing his barely controlled anger. How dare Bonnie try to swindle him like that? Did she take him for a complete fool? It's clear that the witch got involved with some other man, disregarding what they had, and now she's trying to make up some fantastical story on how he's now able to father a child.

"Are you serious?!" Bonnie's voice rises considerably in the heat of the moment, and she feels her body start to tremble ever so slightly.

Damn, that's not how she wanted this to go. Ever since learning she's pregnant, Bonnie's been carefully planning the right moment to break the news to Klaus. Of course the right moment never came; the witches decided to stage another rebellion of their own. There's also Marcel and Klaus and their ever changing relationship.

"Darling," Klaus starts to say, and the word is dripping with so much hatred that she's a little taken aback. Bonnie's used to his temper tantrums and angry outbursts, he has them every week. However, this, this is more than that. He's looking at her with such contempt that it's making her feel like dirt on the floor. "I don't know what you expect by doing this, but I'm not one of your stupid little friends. You can bat your eyelashes and manipulate others, not me."

Tears start gathering, and Bonnie wipes them away with the back of her hand. She hates that his words are getting to her. Normally, his taunting wouldn't even scratch the surface; verbal battling used to be their foreplay. At this moment, hormones are taking their toll on her, and she wants to ball up in a corner and cry.

In a tense stance, with his hands balled in fists and shoved inside his pockets, Klaus watches Bonnie, taking in every single movement she makes. It's almost like the anger made him even more sensitive to what's going on around him, and he feels stupid for not noticing the obvious signs. Bonnie's scent had changed in the past couple months; she's always smelled like sandalwood and moss, now he can sense something else added to her usual fragrance. He can't quite put his finger on it, but her scent is sweeter. Also, the heartbeat. Ten minutes ago, the sound was faint and Klaus would think it was an annoying humming bird flittering around. Now, the heartbeat is strong and steady and could never be confused with a bird.

"How can you even think that? I've been nothing but honest and loyal to you. Yes, I went on a few dates here and there, but I would never lie about something this big. I mean, why would I lie about this? Don't you think life would be much easier if I had a baby with some guy? It sure wouldn't be as complicated as me trying to figure out how the Original Hybrid impregnated me."

"Stop speaking like this makes any sense!" Klaus bellows at her. People trying to take him for a fool always get his blood boiling.

Bonnie hugs herself in the grey, oversized Tulane sweatshirt. Even though there's so much going in her head, it's hard to put it all together and form a sentence. So she stands there, gaping like a fish, feeling like a complete idiot. A little voice in her mind urges her to use some magic and break every single bone in Klaus' body, tells her that she can't be disrespected like this. Another voice, a much more reasonable one, advises her to calm down and think of the baby. This voice wins, thankfully, and she is able to stop herself from throwing him across the kitchen with a blast of magic.

a bennett witch and the original Hybrid Where stories live. Discover now