Chapter 28

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When the being returned a few days later he found the woman still on the table turned on her side. Figuring she must not have regained consciousness yet he decided to give her some more of his chakra so it would speed up the process. He walked to her hovering over her body. He placed his palm on her side and started to share his chakra.

Seconds later he sensed she was conscious and probably faked still being unconscious planning to attack him. Kimitsu opened her eyes and immediately jumped on the man causing both of them to fall on the ground. She got on top of him and placed the tip of her kunai she kept underneath her dress at his neck. "If you move a single millimeter I'll slice your throat" she viciously said.

The being held a smirk. "How scary" he said. Kimitsu stared into his eyes noticing one eye held the byuakugan and the other a lighter shade of blue with the outer part of the eye was black. She's never seen an eye like that one before. The two stayed just liked that staring into one another's eyes. "The byuakugan. Your from the Hyuga clan?" Kimitsu asked. The being didn't respond and just stared at her.

This caused her to fur her brows in anger. "Answer me! Why would a hyuga clans member kill my entire clan" she yelled as her voice cracked. "I sense that your overwhelmed. Angry. Confus-" the being started talking but kimitsu put the kunai deeper into his neck. "Shut your mouth! I'm feeling all of that because of what you did!" She screamed. She didn't even know a mere kunai wouldn't be enough to kill the man and that he could escape from her hold at any moment.

"I'll ask you one more time. Why would the hyuga attack my clan?" She asked. "I'm not from the hyuga clan" he simply stated. "I'm not stupid! That eye you have is specifically from that clan!" She yelled. The man laughed to that which only angered kimitsu more. She swung her hand back to stab him when he widened his black eye sending her to the other side of the room hitting the wall.

Kimitsu sat up and saw as the being was already in front of her. He bent down on one knee to be face to face with her. "You humans are all clueless" he said as he watched a line of blood leak from her mouth off her chin. "What?" She asked. The being stared at the blood before raising his thumb towards it. He then gently wiped most of it off. Kimitsu eyes widened in shock and her mouth slight fell open. A light tent brushed her face.

"That's better" the being said and stood up. "If you don't have anymore meaningless plans to attack me I will tell you who I am" he said staring down at the girl who still held her tinted cheeks which he gave a small smirk to. Moments later kimitsu found her composure and stood up.

"follow me" he said as he walked to a hidden door. Kimitsu hesitantly followed him into another room. "Sit" he said motioning her towards a chair. She sat and cautiously looked at him. "Where are we? Who are you?" She asked. "Good grief. So many questions" the man said taking a seat across from her. "I want the answers before I take your life" she said watching him cross his legs.

"Your threats are humorous" he said. "You've seen what I just did to your entire clan. And that wasn't even a portion of my power. Do you think your cable of actually killing me?" He said. Kimitsu gritted her teeth as she remembered her clansmen lives.

The being stared at her. "I don't care what you say or how powerful you make yourself to seem. I will enflict the same pain you caused for my clansmen onto you and it's gonna hurt" she said staring right into the man's eyes. "For a woman to be so scary" he said taunting her. "Do you know of the outsutsuki?" He asked.

Kimitsu furred her brows. "Never heard of it. Am I suppose to care?" she said. The man laughed. "Of course you haven't. They aren't of this planet. Technically speaking this dimension". Kimitsu eyes widened. "What do you mean? What are you talking about?" She asked. "My name is ābeki. I am an member of the outsutsuki" He said. "You said that clan was from a different dimension. You saying your from a different dimension?" Kimitsu asked. "Aside from our god like power our appearance should give off some hint we aren't from the world" he said.

"Well your right about that. I've never seen anyone like you or possess such power you do. It makes sense you called it "god like" from how you slaughtered my clan" she said narrowing her eyes. "Why me. Why save me?" Kimitsu asked. Abeki folded his arms. "We outsutsuki go from planet to planet draining the life out of them to obtain and upgrade our selves. In this case earth was our intended target. However because of circumstances we had to abort the plan. I was merely passing by when I stumbled across you and your clan. I was merely observing your species. I never intended on killing your men but I do recall you attacking me first" he said.

Kimitsu eyes widened. "Your chakra..your chakra was heavy. It showed the clear intent you had on killing us!" She yelled and stood up. "I'm at a loss for words" abeki nonchalantly replied striking anger into kimistu who picked up her chair and threw it at him. Abeki stopped the chair in mid air then made it break into pieces. "Good grief" he said getting up.

"I still dont understand. Why spare me? Why didn't you finish me off with my clansmen! Why me. Whats so special about me!" She yelled with her eyes getting tearful again. The outsutsuki stared at her. "I saw it" he said. "Saw what!?" She yelled. "My eye. It can sees one's destiny. I've seen Your fate. This was bound to happen" he said pointing to his bluish eye. Kimitsu let a tear fall. "Bound to happen?" She slowly said.

Kimitsu couldn't believe what she was hearing. It caused her to laugh. Not from humor but from grief. From confusment. Abeki watched her until her laughs subsided. "So what now? Whats going to happen to me now. You can seen my future right" she asked. "Do not misunderstand. I cannot see one's future. I can only see a glimpse of what lies ahead of them. In your case our meeting and this conversation. I do not know what happens from here".

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