chapter 26

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Solana darted towards jigen. She jumped in the air and created a rod from her hand hoping to hit him. Before she was able to land jigen grabbed her wrist and threw her to the side. Solana quickly recovered from it and ran towards him again. She attacked him with different forms of tijutsu in which he dodged landing blows on her himself.

Jigen kicked solana back sending her flying into the other direction. She got up from where she was and looked at jigen with determination. She then created a long chakra pole causing jigen to do the same. He quickly ran up to solana swinging his weapons but each time she dodged. Solana saw an opportunity to strike him and took it. She mustered enough power to kick jigen away but not far.

Her kick caused smoke to form and as she waited for it to clear soon noticing he wasn't in sight. She got into a defensive stance and looked around. "Above!" She said and looked up. Jigen was in the air and motioned his hand toward her. Chakra rods came raining down. Solana ran in the other direction they were falling. She watched as he made the rods follow her every move.

Solana gritted her teeth. She couldn't let him play with her like this. Not after all she's worked on. She had to show him how strong she truly is. She stopped and swiftly jumped in the air. She formed a rod and shot it at jigen who dodged it with a pole. They both fell to the ground. As soon as solanas feet touched the floor jigen appeared in front of her.

He simultaneously attacked her with his pole forcing her to keep moving back. Once he stopped solana fell to her knees panting. "Are you giving up already?" She heard jigen ask as he came into her view. "Was all of that just talk? That's such a pity". He said staring at her form. It was actually disappointing she didn't have anything to back up what she was soothing. Isshiki was curious to what it might've been.

Solana steadied her breathing and closed her eyes. "This entire time.." she mumbled. Jigen squinted his eyes at her in confusion. "I've been waiting for this moment" she said as her eye with the diamond shifted. Jigen eyes widened as he jumped back. Seconds later something heavy crashed into him gliding him through the ground on his back. When the smoke it sturred almost cleared jigen eyes were wide to see solana ontop of him. With a chakra rod imbedded in his shoulder.

Isshiki was shocked. What was the power? Where did it come from? He looked at solana to find her eye slightly glowing. Moments later she created another rod intending to stab his other shoulder but before she was able to jigen grabbed her neck and flung her off of him onto her back. Solana gasped for air as he chocked her. Jigen could see she had no more strength to fight back.

" I've seen better tricks but I'll admit for you that was impressive" he said staring at her eyes which were looking everywhere but him. "N-no" she murmured. "No?" He said. She then started to choke out something. Jigen loosened his grip on her neck. "I can't" she said as tears welled from her eyes. Jigen continued to stare. "You can't what"? He asked. "I can't..come to earth" she said.

Solana looked at jigen who jigen saw her dimoned shaped eye flash. Instantly jigen finds himself surrounded by darkness. The same darkness that happened when he first met solana. "What's going on?" Isshiki thought. Mintues later a noise came from behind jigen which he turned to find solana. she appeared different. Her clothes were in other outsutsuki atire and her her hair was shorter.

"It appears you lied to me. You do know about this place" Jigen said. Solana didn't say anything and raised her hand towards him. It was just like the second time they met. He spoke to her but she never responded. Only asked for his hand. Jigen placed his hand on hers. The darkness that surrounded them turned into light.

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