chapter 19

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The following day Solana had woken up and felt better. This was the first time she was in pain then slept and woke up and suddenly feeling better so she was surprised. She rubbed her eyes then looked at jigen. He was already awake seriously staring at the floor. "I wonder.." she thought.

"Jigen" she said. That seemed to snap him out of his thoughts because he looked at her. "You look so serious. What are you thinking about?" She asked. He continued looking at her. Before she spoke isshiki was thinking about the fact he never finds himself in that dark place anymore. He still dosnt know why he how it happend but it completely stopped.

He still believes to this day she had something to do with it considering she was the only one there. But he didnt acually mind and wasnt thinking seriously about it. Though it must've appeared that way to Solana he was. He continued looking at her still not replying to her question. "Why is he staring at me?" she thought.

Jigen watched as she looked down concerned. Just from her face he knew she was overthinking this. That's one thing hes figured out about her."I was thinking of nothing important". Solana blinked. "Nothing?" she said. Her cheeks grew warm when she realized she over thought this.

"Alright" she mumbled. He didnt say anything and mintues of sheer silence had passed. Solana then looked at him. "Your very reserved" she said. "Oh?" Jigen said. "Your quiet half of the time your around me unless I ask something" she said. "I'm sure by now you can tell I'm not one for small talk". He said looking at her.

"Have you always been like that?" She asked. "Yes. Is it odd?" He replied. She shook her head. "I dont think it's odd. You have your own personality and I like it" she said. "Have you been around me long enough to confidently say that?" he asked and she nodded.

"You always seem calm yet so serious. I recall a day when you started laughing at a joke I made and it caught me off guard. I didnt know you were capable of laughter. It was so cute" she said. Jigen eyes widened upon hearing that. Moments later she gasped and covered her mouth as a blush brushed her cheeks.

"What did I just say!" she thought and looked down. The room fell silent as neither said anything after that. She continued looking down and he stared at her. Minutes later he closed his eyes. "Solana" he said causing her to immediately look at him. "You look so flustered. What are you thinking about?" He asked as he rested his cheek on his fist mocking what she had asked him.

Her eyes widened as she saw small smirk tugging his lips. The pink blush was now replaced with a darker color. Jigen stared at her again. "To get so flustered so easily" Isshiki thought. Solana stared at him with a look of surprise as he had a straight face.

Moments passed until she looked away. She touched her cheeks then closed her eyes. "All he did was ask a question. why must I react like that?" She thought. A few minutes later she finally calmed down. Jigen just watched her the entire time. "I still need the response to my question" he calmly said.

She looked at him. "I'm sorry jigen. I was thinking that I really only find intrest in two things" she said. "Really? And what might those be?" He asked. "Just this planet and you" she said.  The two stared at each other. "What do you mean?" He asked. "You are much nicer than when I first met you and you treat me different than before. Also I can never tell what your acually thinking" she said. "Like your one to talk" he thought. But he had to admit. His additude did change towards this otsutsuki.

"Is that so?" He replied. She nodded. "A few weeks after you brought me here you asked why I always question you" she said then got out of the bed. He watched as she went and sat down next to him. "Then you threatened me with 10tails. I question you all the time now but it seems you dont mind anymore" she said and looked at him.

"She came all the way over here just to say that?" isshiki thought. He honestly dosn't even know what to say at this point. He was never expecting any of this. This isn't even amusing to him it was very much concerning. The fact that this girl is an otsutsuki and can sit here talking about personality and taking interest in a humans behavior is disappointing.

He looked at her. "Your quite honest to the person who's sending you to your death" he calmly stated. She stared at him. "Should I not tell you what I'm thinking because of that?" She asked. "Did I say that? If you want to speak what's on your mind then go right ahead. I'm not saying you shouldn't" He replied and closed his eyes.

She blinked at him then smiled. "Ok then" she said and stood up. She turned and stood in front of him. He opened his eyes and looked at her. "What is she doing now?" Isshiki thought. "Aside from your personality I find your height interesting" she said. He gave a confused expression. "Then there's these eyes of yours" she said.

Jigen continued staring at her. He watched as Solana placed her hands on both sides of his face. "Your eyes are-" she stopped talking when he grabbed her wrists. He then stood up causing her to step back. "Youve gotten too comfortable with doing that. If you put your hands on me again I'll will break them" he said letting her wrist go.

She blinked in shock at his sudden action and statement. The two stared at each other before she turned around and walked foward. "You told me to speak my mind. that's what I did ". "Speaking and touching are two different things. I thought you'd at least know that much" he said and started walking to the door. She gave a smile at that and laughed.

"Your a very funny person" she said and turned around. "Where are you going jigen?" She asked. He stopped walking and looked at her. "I thought your taking a break" she said. "What do you think I've been in here for?" He replied. "It hasn't even been that long" she said. "Its been long enough" he then and turned back around.

She looked down."When are you coming back?" She asked. "Cant say. You'll have to wait and see" he replied then left the room. She stared at the door then went back to the bed and laid down.

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