Chapter Three

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Monday morning before the flag ceremony, Lilia had placed her box of fruit candy on the display case of the school cooperative shop.

"Bro, I'm also selling candy, okay?" Lilia said to the shopkeeper. "This is made by us, the students in Teacher Ai's dormitory."

"You kids are great, I support until the sale is successful." Shop clerk replied.

"Thank you, Bro. In the future I won't forget you when our candy business has grown into a big company." Lilia laughed wittily and then jogged to the schoolyard, joining her friends who were preparing for the ceremony.

As the ceremony progressed, Lilia thought of her other self who had a cold character and was reluctant to talk to anyone other than her close friends. In that life she had her reasons for acting the way she did, but in this life she wanted to try out her cheerful character and indifferent to other people's judgments. After all when I was miserable in that life, all those people's judgments didn't help one bit, Lilia thought angrily. Then enjoy the happiness of even the smallest seeds of dzarrah.

From that other life Lilia learned to be happier and not burden herself with unnecessary prejudice. She tells herself that what she needs now is more courage to grow her candy business. She will focus on it while correcting the mistakes she has made or will make on the other side of her life. When Lilia read the diary, she found that her youth there was quite beautiful, and that beautiful life would still be hers if only she was patient and not overcome by the pain of heartbreak in her second year of college life. How naive I am, why rush to decide the next step by running away like that?

The flag ceremony was almost over as Lilia smiled at the world and the parody. If the world is like that, then she too will behave as she pleases by not letting herself cry again.

Hello Diary,

When we were young, almost all of us thinking very seriously about anything. Then our feelings become confused when we don't understand what we are thinking. Events that occur in everyday life, sometimes affect our feelings to swing like a pandulum. I am no exception. However, I still attend class on time and never truant, take lessons diligently and hope to be better in all subjects. Even though I was always left behind in math, in other lessons I had quite satisfying grades. I like accounting, but it's ridiculous not to like math. This world is really strange but so it is. Hahaha...

Mrs. Nurul is our homeroom teacher who teaches sociology and anthropology subjects. She was a caring teacher and her gesture showed her kindness. I don't remember wether she ever skipped teaching in class, and it seems that all the teachers are also as diligent as she is. In my new school there are rarely empty lessons, all teachers are on time. They teach all subject matter for one semester as targeted. Sometimes I feel bored, want to skip but also don't want to miss the lesson. But the boredom in this place is not as bad as when living in a Pesantren, here I still have a nice weekend.

Someone once said if a student from a Pesantren when she moved outside she would change. Revenge for the confined and secluded periods inside the high wall. Maybe right maybe not. We cannot judge something in black and white if this concerns teenagers who are too much inquisitive and hope to find a lot of valuable experience out of the Pesantren. In my case, I just don't like to stay monotone. Since childhood I was very active, like to climbing trees and play a role imitate an actor in action movie with other kids all day long after school or in the weekend. However, I am really grateful to have lived in Pesantren, but not all the time till my wedding day. Even more so with my problem there, some forced men who asked me to become their wives later. It's really disgusting. I feel like I am still a child, and men who look at me as mature women really need to be drowned in the Bermuda Triangle.

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