Chapter 15

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Dear Diary,

Your story ends here. There are no more records from other times. What should I do?

After mutually reinforcing the presentation of business proposals to Mr. Meyer, Red's father, which continues with a western royal style dinner. Then Lilia was invited to a room tour by Mr. Meyer. At first Lilia thought it was just the host's hospitality to his guests. While they were in the grand family library, an assistant asked Lilia to go upstairs. "Mr. Red is waiting for you there," the assistant informed.

Lilia was still guessing about what else needed to be discussed. Sixty percent of their work is done, construction of Red's dream project is underway on the twelve acres.

"Did you call me for another amazing idea, Mr Red?" Lilia smiled as she stood face to face with Red, on the spacious balcony lined with beautiful beige sofas.

"It's not business hours, Lily. Stop calling Mr. Red." Said Red who always looked cold and serious.

"So, should I call you..?"

"Just call Red."

"Ok..Red. What do you want to talk about?"

"I want to get married," Red stares deeply at Lilia.

"That's great news. Do you need my help as a friend...for your happy occasion?"

"No. You don't have to do anything but answer Yes." Red said with a blush on his face but trying to be brave.

"Why should I say YES?" Lilia didn't understand. A look of confusion was clearly etched on her face.

"Because I'm proposing to you! Oh came on, Lilia. Are you that stupid?" Said Red between annoyed and wanting to laugh.

"It's not April mop, is it? Because it's your tradition to do that?" Lilia still didn't understand either.

"It's November, Lily."

For a moment Lilia seemed to be in deep thought.

"Is it true that you are Mr. Red, the person I've known all along?" From a confused face, now it changed to an unsure 'face'.

"No drama, Lily. You're not dreaming or misheard. My words are clear. I'm proposing to you."

"No wind, no rain, suddenly proposed to a girl...are you sure you're not drunk?"

"I don't like alcohol, and this proposal wasn't sudden. Maybe you stupid and late thinker just like to ignore signs. Even though I've been hanging around you for years."

"I really don't understand what you're saying," Lilia frowned.

"Follow me," Red says as he walks away across the hall that connects the rooms upstairs. Arriving at a door, Red announces, "This is my studio. There's something you need to see so you understand."

When entering the large gallery-like room, Lilia found many frames containing old photos. Her eyes widened when her gaze fell on one area of ​​the wall that displayed her pictures. A second later she remembered some of the photo frames that a mysterious person had sent to her school.

" that you?" Lilia quickly turned to look for Red, who was watching her from afar.

"Now do you understand?" Red asked back.

"What for?"

"What else for? I'm in love with you."

"As simple as that?"

"Don't underestimate people's feelings!"

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to be rude." Lilia was shocked because she had never heard Red scream before. "To be honest, I've lost faith in love. Your confession is like a dream in broad daylight. I still can't believe it's real."

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