Chapter Nine

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Lilia walked through the long courtyard of her grandfather's extended family, Haji Ibrahim. In front of every house she would stop to greet her uncles, aunts, and cousins. In her hand was a large box filled with smaller boxes. To each of her little cousins ​​she would hand out boxes of delicious fruit candy. Of course the gift would always succeed in enticing every child, even uncles and aunts also asked for candy gifts for themselves.

When she arrived at her grandfather's house, it was getting dark and the call to prayer was broadcast over the loudspeakers of her father's mosque. Lilia chatted for a while then asked permission to pray in her grandmother's room. Her grandfather was seen stepping out to go to the mosque to attend Maghrib prayer with the villagers.

In her prayers after the Maghrib prayer, Lilia hid the tears she had been holding back since she came and saw that her grandfather was still alive. It was a similar situation as when she woke up in the hospital and saw her father again.

Haji Ibrahim is the figure of a hard-working charismatic grandfather. Her childhood was more often at her grandfather's house because when she was two years old there was a baby brother who then snatched all of her mother's attention. Lilia didn't like remembering those times because it was uncomfortable, besides that she actually really loved her little brother.

Immediately Lilia remembered to ask, "Grandma, have you seen my little brother?"

"Still in boarding school, not yet school holidays." Replied grandmother. "Just visit tomorrow if you miss your brother."

"It's not comfortable visiting the male dormitory, I'd better wait for him to come home, then I return to Malang." Said Lilia then.

"I heard that the son of the boarding school caretaker wants you to be his fiancé," her grandmother probed curiously. "Why did you refuse? They are a very respectable family, also very rich."

"I don't know the boy, Grandma. How did I suddenly get engaged? His father also has three or four wives. If I too will have the same fate, will Grandma have the heart?"

"Of course not," her grandmother said quickly. "Perhaps the boy isn't like that."

Lilia was reluctant to continue the conversation, she changed the subject, "I want to visit Supina's house, my mother said she was sick."

"Go on, kid. The girl will be pleased to see you."

At this time there was no electricity to illuminate the roads in the countryside. Grandma told one of the aunts to take Lilia to her friend's house.

"You are Haji Ibrahim's favorite granddaughter," said the aunt in a playful tone. "Not suitable if you hold the torch yourself."

"Auntie should have brought a golden umbrella too." Lilia replied with a grin.

The two of them were just joking as they walked so they didn't pay much attention when they arrived at Supina's door. Someone looked outside, maybe she heard unusual cheerful voices, her curious face seemed to be so clear that Lilia was worried about disturbing the Supina family. She then greeted politely and asked her friend's health, "I heard she's not well..."

"Come in beautiful Lily," a voice called out to Lilia from inside the house.

"That's Supina," said Lilia to her aunt.

"You come in, take your time." said her aunt after the host came out to meet them. "Auntie will come back to pick you up later."

"No need, Sis. Later my sister will take Lily," Supina said happily. "I really miss her. Haven't seen her in a long time."

Lilia found it strange but funny to hear the conversation of the two women in front of her. The fact that now she is studying in a city that is quite far from her hometown, and also returns home by public transportation, but everyone still treats her like a child who needs to be guarded and protected at all times.

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