Chapter 17

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Dear Diary,

Mimi called and asked me to come home. She said Baba held a public recitation for Maulud celebration, based on tradition, this is the time when all members of the extended family gather. I said I had work that I couldn't leave, but Mimi insisted. Mimi says, "If you pursue worldly things then it will never end."

What do you think I should answer my dear diary?

Lilia messaged Red that she was going home. Red replies: I'll send my car. Wait.

After getting engaged, Red becomes more protective. He would be grumpy all day if Lilia ignored his arrangements. Then he will call when busy and will show up if possible. Then a dramatic conversations ensued below.

"I love you, I just want to make sure you are safe and have a comfortable trip."

"Red, I'm a grown woman, you know. You don't have to worry." At the start, Lilia still smiling.

"In my memory you are still like a high school student."

"So I'm talking to uncle huh?"

"Your protective uncle, who loves you so much."

"Don't do this, please."

"I only protect what I have to protect."

"Keep it simple. Don't complicate it."

"It's simple. You're the complicated one."

"Are you making a fuss?" The smile is gone.

"I'm asking you to get married soon."

"We'll get married when the time comes. You just have to be patient."

"I can't wait."

"What makes you impatient?"

"I'm a grown man with all my inclinations, Lilia."

"Do fasting. It will make your life easier."

"I have done."


"Still I want to get married sooner."

Lilia sighed. Stares at Red and says, "I'll go first. Meet Mimi and Baba. See you later."

"Kiss first."

"Do not hope."

"See? If we're already married, it's not that difficult."

Lilia didn't answer anymore. Turn around and get in the car.

In the parking lot, Red looks at her with a hidden smile.

Lilia sat back and closed her eyes. Last night, the nightmare plagued her again. The car kept going and Lilia tried to shake off the unpleasant images in her mind. She consoles herself that the tragedy just happened there and won't affect her relationship with Red.

Live a completely happy new life, she told herself. Don't get caught in the wound, even if it flows in universe's air.

Exhausted from never getting enough sleep, Lilia fell asleep.

Other than that, Red's car is really comfortable. The passenger seat behind the driver has been modified. The mint green sofa bed with a portable wall in front of Lilia's feet can be arranged like a limousine. How could she not sleep soundly like a baby?

But then a subtle shaking woke Lilia up. When she opened her eyes, somehow she was at home, sitting on the aisle in a beautiful mint green wedding dress. Beside her was Red who looking at her lovingly.

"My dear wife, how happy I am today." Said Red satisfied. Getting ready to kiss Lilia.

The crowd whistled mischievously, some clapping and joking with one another. The atmosphere was so bright and boisterous and cheerful. The melodious classical music of the Middle East playing softly.

Red kissed Lilia's forehead then down to her lips. Suddenly a big shock occurred. Lilia shouted for Red. But the one she called was nowhere to be seen.

Lilia had tears in her eyes without sobbing. She closed her eyes wistfully.

"Goodbye, my dear Red."

What lay now, in front of Lilia, was the courtroom of the district court. The chief judge stood up and knocked on the hammer. A sign that Lilia had divorced the man who had betrayed her. Lilia's ex-husband turned to her but Lilia didn't care. She had just enjoyed her youth and had to deal with this bitterness again. Lilia groaned inwardly, what the heck is this?

Lilia looked down at the document on her lap. There was written her name and a description of place and date's birth. That she is 29 years old.

Instantly Lilia went numb!

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