Chapter Thirteen

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Hello Diary,

The world is sometimes unfriendly, its sharp thorns can hurt your feet and your heart. But if on that journey you have a buddy who cares and listens to your grief, then your life will be fine. Often it is not suffering that destroys a person, but neglect.

Lilia tried to remember who the 'owner' of the sad story in her diary was. And judging by the writing code, it's not about her life. So, whose life is it?

Suddenly a memory flooded her heart, about her great-grandmother, Haji Ibra's mother, who died young due to grief. She inherited a lot of wealth by her parents, but married the wrong man. It was during the Dutch colonial era.

When his mother died, little Ibra was the eldest with two younger siblings who were still toddlers. Soon he was 'expelled' to be cared for by his cousin's family. The young husband and wife had no children, and soon got half a hectare of farmland belonging to little Ibra, as a 'cost' for upbringing. Since then, every morning, little Ibra works mowing grass for his foster parents' cattle. When his tiredness had not subsided, they gave him a bucket so he could go to the spring which was quite dangerous for small children. While carrying a bucket which is now filled with water, his empty stomach is getting more hungry.

Remembering the pain, even though it's been a long time, it's still suffocating. Haji Ibra once told Lilia that she should always respect her mother, because, "Once lost a mother, forever irreplaceable."

Sometimes he cries and goes to his father's house, but there is already a new stepmother, replacing the other stepmother. This woman's manner of speaking was softened, but as soon as his father was on a business trip, the woman stopped talking and hid the food. Leaving Ibra hungry all day. Inevitably Ibra had to return to his cousin's house for a plate of rice. One bowl of cat food is still better than nothing. The couple, who have been married for a long time but have no children, have had cats for a long time. They gave the cats fresh fish and then cooked the same fish for themselves and Ibra.

Her mother once said, "Even though your grandfather is still hungry, he doesn't dare ask for more food."

It was like a big hole in Haji Ibra's life, haunting every step of his youth. The inheritance farmland was enough to feed him, but it was as if he had come empty-handed. Until he was old enough to sue and then decided to stay and study in a boarding school.

Impatiently, Lilia wrote in her notes: it is important and urgent for every woman to have complete control over her life and future. Married or not should be a conscious choice. Similarly, have children or not, if she decides to get married. And if there is a divorce, then the children must be protected from all kinds of physical and psychological violence. If there are parents who violate, then they must pay sanctions that guarantee the future of their children. Then the custody rights are revoked and transferred to the ex-wife or husband. But in patriarchal practice, things can be made very manipulative. Men only know to play sex and are very good at making excuses so they are free from responsibility. The law which is quite accommodating has also been changed into a rubber article that can be withdrawn or stretched.

"There is still a long way to go to that fair and equal world that you hope for," said teacher Ai as Lilia conveyed her thoughts. "The patriarchal system is still very powerful, everywhere we look, the leader is the male."

"A supposedly new era that isn't new at all," Lilia smiled wryly.

"Slow down your speech," said teacher Ai. "You're still too young to understand. So take it easy, and don't jump to conclusions."

Lilia agreed. Even though she had gone through a lot but she decided to keep everything in silence. Later she would only speak through her writings.

In the middle of that year when Lilia finished her high school education and became a new student majoring in management at the Faculty of Economics and Business at Brawijaya University, and she no longer lived in the school dormitory, her days were really busy with business activities while attending lecture classrooms. With her father's old car now as a gift to her, the girl kept various candy boxes of various sizes in the trunk of the car. Sometimes she is invited to the Women's Vocational School to talk about how she started her candied fruit business. On campus she is also active in participating in festivals as long as there are outlets available to sell her products. Since then, Lilia has often been invited to business training events in the hall of the faculty building.

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