Midnight Romance

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Yet another night falls, the stars dotted on the sheet of black above. Taeyong sat by his vanity, rearranging his jewellery out of boredom.

Being the sole heir of a rich merchant didn't bring him anything interesting, his life revolved around the walls of the Lee mansion as it was deemed far too dangerous for a frail child like him to live a life outside.

The boy was currently upset, his features melted into an annoyed sulk which still did justice to his beautiful face nonetheless.

A pair of arms snaked around his waist from behind, making him jolt up in fright. "Oh!" He exclaimed. "Hello darling.." The figure smirked, bowing down briefly.

Jeong Jaehyun, the son of a poor blacksmith down the streets in town was the man he had given his heart to. No matter their status or differences in wealth, their love was enough to unite them.

"Y-You shouldn't do that!" Taeyong heaved a breath, a hand over his chest to calm his heart. "My apologies honey, are you alright?" He chuckles, his deep voice ringing melody-like. "Hm.. I don't know, you tell me." The smaller quirked.

"Would a little stroll in the moonlight please my sugarcube?"

"You always know what I like."

"Let's go then."

"Oh, but I'm in my nightgown!"

"And it suits you well Wendy Darling.."

"You're still frightened? Don't we do this every night?" Jaehyun mused, still holding on to his petite frame with care. "This is hardly a sport I would consider to partake in." He huffed, gripping onto the tattered clothes while burying his face into the broad frame.

With that, the male descended the building with a mere rope while clutching the boy in his arms tightly, careful not to suffocate the poor thing albeit him having a death grip over his torso.

"There we are.." he says, gently setting him down. "It's great feeling the grass again.." Taeyong giggled, wrinkling his toes over the mass of green. Jaehyun merely smiled, his entire being floated with ecstasy.

"Come, we'll take a walk."

"The moonlight is beautiful Jae.. I wish I could sit out here forever.." The smaller sighed, his head tilted upwards to stare at the silvery shadow that dawned above them. "Even the moon becomes pale when you are present my love.." Jaehyun kissed his forehead, pulling him closer to give him warmth.

"Oh stop it you big flirt." Taeyong smiled. "I only speak the truth." The male defended, caressing the soft cheeks which were already tinted red partially from the weather and his comment.

"Oh right, I um.. have something for you." He smiles, taking out a old velvet box. He opened it carefully to reveal a beautiful silver necklace with a rose-shaped pendant.

"Jae.. I-I.."

"I know you hate expensive gifts.. but I actully made this myself." He explained, holding out the jewellery. "Y-You did..?" The boy squeaked in surprise.

"Mhm. I took some time to save up for the silver though."

Taeyong merely stared at the perfectly crafted piece, scared to touch it. "Do you like it? Or is it too much?" Jaehyun looked at him with anticipation.

He took the male's calloused hands and stroked them, noticing the many cuts and scratches inflicted upon the rough skin. "It must've hurt.. doing this with your bare hands.." he whispered, keeping the larger palm on his cheek.

"It was nothing sugarcube. If it's for you, everything is worth it.."

Chocolate brown eyes met the soft hazelnut ones, the moon a witness to their love. "Would you put it on for me?" The boy smiled to which Jaehyun gladly took the necklace and his heart swelled at how pretty it looked on him.

"You're much more beautiful than I imagined."

"You flatter me too much sir."

The male took the smaller hand and kissed it. "This necklace will always remind you that I'm always with you even if fate pulls us apart." He explained, his eyes turning glossy. "Don't say such things Jae, I will only marry you." Taeyong said stubbornly.

"I know darling. You're the only one for me."

"I'll run away if daddy says no. I-I'll--"

Lips collided, breaths intermingled in a slow steady rhythm. "You won't have to do that, love. I will ask your hand in marriage, by then I will be strong enough to take care of the both of us." Jaehyun whispers against the smaller's swollen lips.

"I'll wait for you then. I know you'll come."

"And maybe.." The male feels a little thrill when he caresses a hand over his lover's stomach. "We can have a little offspring or two?"

"Three." Taeyong confirms. "I want three, hubby." His eyes sparkle as he wrapped his arms around the taller's neck.

"Then three it is, wifey." He chuckled.

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