Part 18: Testing

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The sunrise gave off a reddish haze as it glowed into the house, revealing all the holes, and showing all the dust in the air. The glare coming from the window went into Tigey's eyes, slowly making her wake up. She slipped out of Daniele's arms and stretched, Daniele opened her eyes a little and saw Tigey walk out the entrance. She turns to her other side and sees Matt sleeping next to her. She smiles and scoots a little bit closer to him. Steven slowly opens up his eyes and sees Tigey out of the front porch. He gets up and tiptoes through the room, trying no to make a sound, and waking everyone up.
"Today is the day for training... This is gonna be tough." Tigey whispered to herself. Tigey hears a faint noise behind her, and she turns around to see Steven behind her, yawning. "Hello there sleepy head... See you're up early... You should go back to bed.. You are gonna need as much sleep as your body can take."
"I got all the sleep I need.." Steven said sitting next to Tigey.
"Ok good... I am gonna wait until everyone is up.. I wanna make sure they all get their sleep. Don't want anyone falling face first into the ground because they didn't get enough sleep." Steven smiled at Tigey and rubbed her head.
"How are you gonna teach us the moves?" Steven asked her.
"I won't teach you... I am gonna show you how to keep yourself in focus... I am gonna show you the basics in which to perform the main four elements."
"So there won't be that much to be taught then?" Steven said in surprise.
"Oh no.. There is much to be learned.. How to channel your powers so you don't overuse them.. and knowing how to use them at will, without trying that much... Is gonna be a long process."
"Oh.. How long to you think this will take?"

"As long as I have to teach them... Or as long as I need.." Tigey got up and turned to Steven. "Do you know what time every actually gets up?"
"No I don't... Why?"

"Just curious...Hhmmm... I am gonna have to watch and see what their body schedule is."

"Why would you wanna know when they woke up???" Steven said a little worried.
"Oh... Nothing.. It's nothing."
"Tiiigeeey.... Are you going crazy again???" Steven asked worried.
"I... I might be but ssshh... I'm thinking.." Tigey said shooing away Steven. Steven looks at her worried, gets up, and walks away back into the house.
'Maybe... Maybe when everyone gets the hang of their powers.. I can attack them right when they wake up! Not only will catch them by surprise!! But it can also trigger their defensive mode which will cause them to use their powers!! It's brilliant! However... Damn... I need to use a non lethal way to attack so when and if they don't use their powers.. They won't be hurt.. I got the perfect one.. I can use my electrical zap! Won't kill them or hurt them severely... But it will hurt them enough to always be aware and also be ready to defend or attack at any moment.. It's perfect!' Tigey thought to herself, as she thought about it more, an evil smile appeared on her face.

After Steven finally got to the other side of the room, Summer was just waking up. She stretches and gets up, holding her neck in pain.

"I wish we had more comfortable things to sleep on... I got a kink in my neck.."

"Shhhh." Steven said getting her attention and putting his left index finger over his mouth. "Everyone is still sleeping.. So keep it down." Steven said semi whisper and talking.
"Well not everyone." Tony said holding his hand up.
"Well... Daniele and Matt are still sleeping.. So let them get rest.. They have had a more stressful day yesterday than us." Steven said looking at Daniele and Matt.
"Well okay I guess... Where's Tigey?" Summer asked looking around.
"Oh she is outside thinking about something." As Steven said that Tigey walked in and sat by Daniele's feet, waiting for her to wake up.
"Hey Tiges! What were you thinking about?" Tony asked. Tigey didn't respond, she just sat there motionless and quiet.

"Um... Tigey... What's wrong... Why aren't you.." Ashley was interrupted by Tigey snapping her neck towards Summerand starting at her.
"I am gonna test her abilities. Now please.. Shh." Tigey snapped, and she slowly turned her head back to Daniele and continued to watch her. Everyone, who was awake, just starred at her in confusion.
A couple minutes go by and everyone is sitting there starring at the floor, quiet as can be. Matt moves onto his back, making everyone look in his direction. He sits up and stretches and yawns, as he is about to get up he stops to see Tigey starring at Daniele.
"Um..." Matt was interrupted when he saw everyone waving their arms to get his attention. "What? Am i suppose to not say anything?"
"No you can say something... But Tigey said she is trying to test her abilities when she wakes up.." Tony explained.

"What!? Are you crazy!? She has an injured shoulder! She can't stop something coming towards her! Tigey you're insane!!" Matt screamed at Tigey.
"Oh.. I know.. I have been living in a meteor.. Of course I will be insane.. I am not gonna hurt her... Well unless she doesn't block.. Well then she will be zapped with electricity.. It will only hurt for a few." Tigey explained with her eyes still fixated on Daniele.
"What!? No you can't do this!?" Tony screamed.
"Yes I can! Watch me!" Tigey glared at him. Tony got up and walked towards him, she snapped her neck towards him and started to growl.
"I am really getting tired of you all right now!" Tigey scolded. She got up on her back legs and shot sticky residue at them all. They hit the wall and the sticky residue kept them there, unable to move.

"Tigey!! Get us down from here!! Now!!" Steven yelled.
"Wow.. I am also getting tired of you talking too." Tigey said angrily. She shot more residue at them, covering their mouths. They all look at Steven with an annoyed face. As this is going on Daniele slowly gets up, but stops when she sees Tigey in front of her. Tigey looks at her angrily and starts growling.
"Tigey!? What the fuck??! What is wrong with you!?" Daniele said in shock as she scoots away from Tigey, making Tigey walk towards her. As Daniele is crawling she melts the residue keeping her friends stuck to the wall. Tigey looks behind her and back at Daniele and begins to growl even more. Daniele quickly gets up and Tigey pounces towards her shooting an electric pulse at Daniele, making her dodge it. She shoots another one and Daniele defends by putting up a shield. As Tigey gets closer, the pulses become stronger, making Daniele use more of her energy. Her shield weakens and she is shocked with all her pulses of electric, this makes Daniele fall to the floor shaking and screaming in pain. Tigey's eyes widen as she sees her on the floor in pain, she quickly runs to her, along with everyone else to see if she is okay.
"DANIELE!!!! I AM SO SORRY!!" Tigey screamed in sadness.
"Holy Hell!!! I think you might actually kill her!!" Matt holds Daniele down to try and stop the shaking.
"AAAAAAAHHHAAA!!!" Daniele screams in pain. Blood from her wounds begin to slowly pour out from the electrical currents pushing the blood.
"Get some water!! Get something to cool her down!!" Tony screams
"There is no water around!" Steven said in a panic. Summerthinks hard about the first time Daniele used water. Summerstuck out her hands and thought about water forming in her hand. She begins to feel coldness on her palms, and she opens her eyes and sees a blob of cool crystal clear water on her hands. She spreads it out into a blanket and slowly walks to Daniele.
"Guys watch out!" Summersaid quickly. Everyone gets out of her way and she lays the blanket of water on her. The cool refreshing water drops Daniele's skin heat and cools her body, causing her to slowly stop shaking. After she stopped shaking Summerlifted up Daniele's back shirt with one hand and rushed the water over it, collecting the vast amount of blood coming out. She then lifts up Daniele's sleeve and rushes the last bit of water over her wound. Summercollects to water back into a blob, what was once crystal clear water, turned into dirty dark red water. Summerslowly walks towards the entrance and threw it into the nearby bushes.
"Daniele are you okay!?" Matt said slowly lifting her up a bit and holding her.
"Y-yeah... I am fine now.." Daniele said as she tried to catch her breath. She slowly looks at Tigey in disbelief. "Why would you do that?"
"I was seeing how you can work your abilities... I have failed.. I have hurt you.. And I have almost killed you.. I am so very sorry." Tigey said as tears filled her eyes. Daniele lifts her hand and gently rubs Tigey's head.
"You are fine.. You were testing me.. I understand.." Daniele slowly pulled Tigey towards her and hugs her. "I hope you know I still want you to teach me how to use my powers." Daniele said trying to change the subject.
"Hehe okay.. And I promise you... I promise that I won't do what I did."
"Just do it when I got a little bit more practice... And when I am not injured.." Daniele smiled at Tigey.
"Okay... Well... I guess we can take a little bit if a break.. After what had happened... Then I will help you guys with your powers." Tigey said. Everyone agreed and went to sit down by the entrance. Matt help Daniele up, they smiled at each other and they slowly moved towards the stairs. He sat her down on the second step and he sat right beside her. They all sat down close to each other, talking and making jokes.

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