Our day - 37

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This is a recreation of a oneshot I made before the whole oneshot book got taken down.

3rd person POV

Today was the day, Cameron and Eric's wedding, they have been planning for 4 months and it was finally time.

Cameron was his dressing room, extremely nervous, he was pacing back and forth and kept checking his pocket to make sure he had his vows, this is the first time Cameron was ever meeting Eric's family, he had no idea what to expect besides what Eric told him, "Cam you'll be fine" Henry said, Henry was Cameron best man, they've been friends since they were toddlers. "What if it does?" He kept pacing, but Henry stops him by grabbing his shoulders, "it won't, Eric loves you, I've never see anyone look at their lover like Eric looks at you, he looks at you like you're his soulmate" he looks into Cameron's eyes, "It's not Eric I'm worried about, it's his parents, I've only talked to them once, I have no clue what they think of me" he said and frowns "they can't someone they don't even know" "they can't if they're marrying his son" he turns around and looks in the mirror, he ajustes his suit and tie. His tie had a small pride flag on it, he hasn't seen what Eric looked like yet but he knows Eric is wearing a suit as well.

"It's almost time" said Henry, Cameron suddenly gasps and spins around to face Henry  "where are the rings?" He questions Henry like it was an interrogation, "with the ring bearer and flower girl, your baby (second) cousins" he replies, "are you sure?" He was almost sweating, "I can go check, but promise you won't go out until it's time" he said, "ok I promise, gogo" Cam said and nudges him near the door, "ok I'm going" he rolls his eyes and left.

Cameron picked at the skin around his finger nails anxiously, and checked his pocket for his vows again. He's never been more nervous and scared in his life, what if Eric parents hate him and convince Eric that he's not good enough, you'd think after what Eric has done for Cam he wouldn't just turn away, but Cameron believes there's never a 0% chance of anything happening, he even thought there was a possibility Godzilla or a Troll could ruin his wedding, but Camerons biggest fear was that he would ruin it.

This day meant so much to both of them, they spent so much time and effort in making it perfect, he doesn't want it to crash and burn like everything else had...

Henry comes back and was Cam looks over at him, "the rings are safe and sound and the wedding officiant is ready to start the ceremony" he said, Cam's heart skips a beat, he gulps and clears his throat, "are you ready?" Henry asks, Cameron takes a deep breath and nods, "yes.. let's go" he smiles, Henry smiles and heads back out, this is it, they're getting married.

Meanwhile in the main venue, everyone was seating, chatting, and trying to get to know each other, it was separated in half, the right side would all of Cameron's family, where he would be standing, and the left would be Eric's family, on the side he would standing. Their mothers and fathers would be in the first row and that's what made Cam nervous the most, they would be watching Cameron the whole time, if he messed up one word he was fucked, or at least he thought he would be.

Soon the wedding music comes on and everyone goes quiet, first the ushers comes out with the "bridesmaids" (also ushers), and guild each other down the aisle, to their position, then Cameron comes out, everyone looks at him, it makes him extremely nervous but he tries to think about what Eric looked like right now, and smiles.

He greets the wedding officiant shook his hand, "I'm very happy for you Cameron" he said, "thank you, George" Cam said and let go of his hand, he turns and watches as the door opened, and Eric appears from behind the door, his arm was locked with Eric's uncles arm, he looked amazing, Cameron was speechless, he couldn't believe he was marrying someone as beautiful and caring as him, Cam felt like he didn't deserve him especially after everything that happened. Eric started walking up the aisle and Cam began to tear up as he got closer, Eric had a white suit with a rainbow bow tie and a small blue andc purple flower that was attracted to his suit jacket, he finally gets to Cameron and his uncle lets him go and sits down, Eric stood in front of Cameron. Cam admired Eric the whole time the officiant announces them, he was thinking about their future and was also trying to relieve the stress of Erics parents looking right at them we wasn't sure if his vows were enough to prove to them he loved Eric, soon he realized their vows were about to begin, "you may now say your vows Eric" he said, Eric smiles and let go of Cameron's hands to reach into his pocket for a white paper that was folded up he unfolded it and began to read, "at the end of our high school years I thought I'd never see you again, apart of me hoped I didn't, but when I saw you walk into the cafe, I didn't even recognize you; you changed for the good, you treat me like a king and I never want to leave your side again" Eric began to cry softly "You would do everything for me and I'd do the same. I was scared of a boy I met in high school to now being deeply in love with a man I never thought would look at me twice" a tear slipped from Cameron's eye as Eric put the paper back in his pocket, "I, Eric Matthews, take you, Cameron McKay, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do us part." He finished and smiled.

"That was beautiful, Cameron it is now your turn" George said and looked over to him, Cameron became nervous again since his parents were looking right at him, Cameron reach into his pocket for the vows and read through it before finally realizing what this wedding was for... Eric.. not his parents or his family, it was about Eric, is was our day... he crumbled up the paper and threw it over it his should, the crowd gasped as they all though the worse was to come. "Its been I just say what I want to say than read off of it, I wrote my vows to impress your family and I was worried about they thought I almost forgot this is our day." Cameron pretended no one was there just him and Eric. "You are the best thing that ever happened to me Eric, everything you do, you put so much passion into and it's so hot..." they both chuckle "you would sacrifice yourself for me and I really don't deserve you, but you think I do and it gives me hope to keep going, so I truly mean it when i say I, Cameron McKay, take you, Eric Matthews, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do us part" he smiles and wiped some of Eric tears off his face, "perfect... now does anyone have object to this marriage with evidence of allegations?" The officiant question, everyone became tense and looked around the room but it was silent, for once it was a good silence, "great, now.. Cameron McKay, do you take Eric to be your long and wedded husband to cherish and hold 'til death do you part?" "I do" he smiled as he looked deep into Eric's eyes, "and do you Eric Matthews, take Cameron to be your king and wedded husband to cherish and hold 'til death do you part?" "I do" he said with excitement and lightly squeezed Cameron's hand, "I now pronounce you husband and husband, you may kiss the groom" George said with a smile, Cameron and Eric pull each other it and kiss passionately, everyone clapped and cheers as they pulled away and ran down the aisle happily....

Word count: 1442

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