chapter 1

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Nialls pov

I go to James tonight! I'm so excited to tell him that I'm gay. But I'll just do it if James is there otherwise not.

I mean my family knows and Lewis knows but I never wanted to go public. Its 2022 so it means people start to except it right?

I start to drive to the studio. James isn't here yet. I wanted to tell him before the show starts. I walk to the person we talk with all the time.

"Where is James?" I ask her. "His wife is getting the baby so Harry styles that hunk is taking over tonight!" I wanna say something but words won't come out of my mouth. "You alright?" I nod slowly. "Yeah I'm fine!"

We all had this childhood crush! Mine was Harry! He doesn't know I'm gay and I'm not telling anyone tonight or ever!

Harrys pov

This morning I got a call from James that he is getting a daughter so he asked me to do the show. He also didn't wanna tell me who would come. I get in and a brunette lad walks away. I recognised him but I don't remember from what.

I get to make up and than the show starts. I go up stage and I tell why I'm here instead of James.

"Now in my defence I don't know who is coming tonight BUT I saw a brunette but I don't remember" after a while talking I read who is coming. I open my mouth and gasp. Does James get his kid today or is this his way to kidnap us and put us back together.

"Lady's and gentlemen I wanna introduce you all to our lovely niall James horan!" Niall walks in and he's the brunette I saw before. He wears his glasses what makes him look pretty good.

"Hello mate!" He says with that Irish accent. He does look like he lost some weight tho.

Nialls pov

The last few 5 years I haven't eat so good. I don't know why. "Niall first of all! I've missed you mate! Second of all you have such a good album! Third you look good" he smiles and sits down.

"Thank you Harry" I say. I sit down too and we talk for a long time. "How long has it been?" Harry suddenly asks. "5 years I think"

I wasn't very happy with the break cus I missed Harry these years. I never dared to contact him again cus I was scared that he didn't want to be my friend anymore or would just ignore me. I don't know what I was thinking.

I always felt like I wasn't good enough for the band cus zayn could get the highest notes with that amazing voice of him, everyone was in love with THE Harry styles including me btw, than the payno dad that we could talk to and he would just listen to us with out judging us and than af course Louis. He makes amazing songs I listen to all day long along with harrys song.

Lewis is now my best mate but I miss the lads. "5 years is way to long to be honest" Harry says. "Yeah we all thought it would be 8 months!" I say. "Niall I had to be honest cus back in our days. The days in one direction you were this fun guy that didn't give a shit about the world! But you were so talented in doing accent so I am gonna give you a book and when you look to that screen you see the accent you need to take"

I read for a while. "And the children were berry berry happy!" We laugh and when the show is over I walk to my changing room. When I'm changed I hear a knock on the door.

I open the door and see Harry also dressed in normal clothes. "Wanna go to my place?" He asks. I really wanna ignore Harry for the rest of my life cus how more I see him the more I'll fall in love and I don't feel like anything right now.

"Uh no thanks I uh have somethings that need to be done home" I walk past him and I go home. When I arrive home I lay down on the couch and scream in a pillow.

Harrys pov

He walks past me and just goes home. He didn't say bye he just left. I go to mums house and I walk in.

"Hey mum" I say. She comes to the door and hugs me. "What's wrong love?" I hug her back and we sit down on the couch. "I saw niall as you might know but he acted strange after the show. He didn't wanna hang out today anymore. We always hang out" "maybe he has been hurt" mum says.

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