chapter 16

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Harrys pov

"Did louis tell you?" Mike asks. "Yes... sorry for being a dick" i say. "It's fine. I would be a dick to me too if i found out i was simons son. He is an fucking asshole" he says. I chuckle and nod.

"He broke up with me for our safety he said but later he came to me and said that he didn't just broke up for the safety. He broke up cus he likes you. I knew that already and i wanna say i am sorry for ruining that day. I just needed a safe place so Simon didn't take me also i had to warn him and you! You saved his life a lot. Even today and I know niall will be angry at you for calling 911 but you did the right thing" he says.

I look at him and smile. "I was jealous at you" i say wiping away my tears. "Okay i have a childhood with abuse mentally as physically. No way you should be jealous at me. Besides that my father is the biggest fucking asshole in the world. He abused me a lot and now i have a stable family and i have a kid. My last name is the one from my husband and if it wasn't i would have changed it. Also people bullied me for my last name!" He says.

I chuckle and he pats my back. "Lets go back to niall before Lewis and Louis kill him" i nod and we go back. Niall is in lewis arms crying and Louis sits next to them. "Hey Ni" i say sitting down. He obviously doesn't hear me. His breathing is uneven but then i realize it. He has a panic attack.

"Lewis give me niall please?" I say and ask. "No you're gonna break him again" he says. "He is having a panic attack and i know what to do then!" I tell him. He gives me niall and i hear him struggle breathing. He had them a lot back in one direction, most likely in small places or with tons of people.

"Niall can you hear me?" I ask him and he nods. "Okay so count to 200 with me please?" We start to count and he calms down by 189 like always. He is now just crying. He holds me tight. "You're okay" i repeat a couple times. After a while he is done crying too. "You okay again?" I ask. Louis went off pissed so Lewis followed him. Niall shakes his head and then not much later he fell asleep.

POV Louis

I feel stupid! I didn't even notice he had a panic attack! He jumped cus he thinks i can get better then him which isn't true! I need niall in my life. I text zayn and Liam. We need a reunion before niall has ended it.

Lewis comes to me. "You alright mate?" He asks and i shake my head. "I feel like i failed on niall! I didn't think he would really do that! I thought it was just cutting and starving and burning! He fucking tried! Then he has a panic attack and i didn't even fucking notice!" I say angry.

After a long timeWhere stories live. Discover now