chapter 12

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Liams pov

Louis and i talk and harry and niall come back down. They're holding hands and it's so cute. We just need zayn here then we would have a real reunion. "I have a date tomorrow" niall says smiling. "Who decides what to do?" I ask. "Harry does" niall answers.

Nialls pov

After a while everyone leaves and after simon came i just wanna cut myself bad. I walk to the bathroom to find my knife but i can't find it. "Looking for something?" I hear harry asking so i turn around and he has my knife! Shit! "Yeah i won't let you hurt yourself again" he states. "But" i say but he shakes his head. "Not gonna happen" we walk to the living room.

"Just 1 please?" I beg him. "No niall! Come on we are going to bed" harry says. I nod and we lay down in bed. "Niall i just want you to be okay and i know how addictive it is to hurt yourself and i want you to stop cus i know you can" i look at him. "How do you know?" i ask him. 

"Cus i did it for a while. After we broke up i blamed myself which was ridiculous cus it wasn't any of our fault. We took the decision together. I never contacted you cus i was to scared you didn't wanna see me. I was right at the beginning cus you didn't wanna see me" he says. 

Next day
Harry's pov

"Do i stay for dinner with granny? Is Nialls mum coming?" i nod. "Both to be honest. We are gonna tell them we are dating so you need to survive the day" i tell her. "That will be fun i think" Darcy says. "Sure it will!" Niall answers.

We arrive and Maura is already here. My mum and Maura kept in touch so i saw Maura too sometimes. "Hey sweetie!" Maura says to Niall as they hug. "Hey mum" i say to my mum. I introduce Darcy to Maura and she smiles.

"Maura mum we need to tell you something" I start. "You 2 are getting married?" Mum says. "Uh no not yet. We are dating" niall answers. "Told you anne. Give me the money you promised now" maura says and we all burt out laughing. Harry and i leave to the beach first. We sit down and talk and have a nice picknick.

Darcys pov

Granny grabs our paining things together and we all start to paint. Auntie Gemma comes in. I hug her. "If my little niece is here then where is my brother?" She asks. "Daddy is on a date with Niall" i say. "OeH! I always liked those lads. I knew he had a crush on niall!" She says grabbing a drink. "Can you give me lemonade please?" I ask her and she gives me lemonade. "What are you making?" She asks. "Daddy, me and niall!" I say smiling. "Well they will love it! But i think we need to spoil my niece and your granddaughter" auntie Gemma says. They nod and we go to the mall.

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