chapter 17

38 2 7

POV Zayn

I'm just messing with my daughter and the tv is on. I see Niall jumping off a building. SHIT! No he can't do that! He get catch. I really wanna go now but i don't think the lads want me around. I just decide to check my phone. I have a text from louis. 

Louis: I know we haven't been talking for a while but i don't know if you saw the news. Niall needs the 5 of us. I know if you saw the news you wanted to come but  cus you think we don't want you around. We do now. I wouldn't have text you if it wasn't important

Zayn: Hey yeah i saw it and doubted indeed. I wanna come but i feel like Niall has enough with you lads

Louis: He doesn't eat and hurts himself. We tried and still jumped! He needs you and liam cus I didn't even recognize his panic attack

Zayn:  i need address now then i shall kill himself okay?

Louis: knew i could count on you

He texts me the address and i go to gigi. "Love i you but i got to go. Niall needs me" she nods. "I figured. I saw the news so go to him" she says. I drive to Nialls house. I doubt again but Liam pulls over. Thank god! 

"Hey! Haven't seen you in a while. You saw the news too i guess" he says and i nod. He grabs the keys under the flowerpot. We walk in side where the others are. Niall is having an argument with louis. 

Harry comes to me. "Liam you took the keys inside right?" Liams nods and i am so confused. "Okay at least simon can't get in now. Hey Zayn how are you?" Harry says and asks. "Very confused right now" i answer. "You have all the reason too but now we just need to calm louis down before he kills Niall himself" Harry says. 

We walk to the kitchen. "YOU DIDN'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO TEXT AND CALL THEM! I AM SICK OF YOU ALL TREATING ME AS SOME KIND OF KID!" Niall yells. "YOU WOULD BE DEAD IF WE DIDN'T CALL 911 OR ZAYN AND LIAM! YOU LEAVE US NO CHOICE TO DO THAT NIALL!" Louis yells at Niall. Lewis and Harry drag Louis away. Liam and i drag niall to another room. 

Niall just starts fulling crying. "Don't fucking tell me you wanna see me!" he says angry and sad. "Yeah i do. You can't tell me i can't cus after that it was on tv i was worried. I thought non of you wanted me. Yes louis texted but i was already thinking of coming. Liam probably too!" i say. 

"definitly. You got us worried sick! You are amazing niall! You deserve the world. I will fight Simon if i have too" Liam says and i hear a chuckle. "I help! We get all our fans and they help us hide his body. Probably kill simon before we get the change to kill simon" i say. 

We burst out laughing. "You can't just think we won't show up after a stunt like that niall. We love you to much for that. The reason why we act like you're a little kid is cus we know you do stupid things" we laugh even more. "Harry doesn't want me anymore, Louis and lewis both hate me so i figured it was the best" Niall says looking down. 

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