chapter 15

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Next day
POV Harry

At my house they know what happened. They also think i should talk to him. I want to but i can't. He is probably making out with Mike. I eat my breakfast and take darcy to school. 

"Daddy?" I look at her and nod. "Can you talk to niall please? I like him a lot and you 2 deserve each other" she says. "I'm sorry darc but i can't right now. I am sorry kid" i say looking down. 

"Just talk to him soon" she says as she hugs me. She walks in and i see Louis standing at my car. He is angry that is a promise. I open my car and he sits down. 

I sit down too and he hits the back of my head. "You're a fucking idiot" he says angry. "Me?! He is the one who let his ex back in his life. Who happened to be Simons son!" I tell him. 

"Yeah and Niall broke up with that lad cus he liked you over him. Besides that he is happily married and even has a kid" Louis says. "How do you know?" i ask. "I follow him fucking idiot! His KID is friends with Freddie" he tells me more angry. 

"How could i know?!" I ask. I feel stupid now and bad cus i didn't know and i didn't give him the change to explain it. "Did you let him fucking explain?!" Louis asks still angry but a little less. "No i was just confused and also insecure. He is hot! I'm just me!" I say and he hits my head again. 

"Niall didn't come out his bed and didn't eat. You have to talk to him! You just let him down" he says. I get a call from Lewis Capaldi and i pick up. "Niall isn't home and no one knows where he is! Drive around. Cops are already looking for him" he says worried. 

We drive around and i see him. He is on top of a building. I call the cops and they arrive not much later. 

POV Niall

I  am at the top of the building. I have nothing left so why would i still live? I see him, I see harry, Louis and i also Lewis. They can have all better then me, I am fat and disgusting. I do not deserve love or anything. I deserve to die. I stand close to fall down. I close my eyes and step forward. I fall and land on something soft for some reason.

I look around and see some fire fighters that caught me. GOD DAMN IT! Why can't it just go my way? "You okay?" Harry asks after i got hit by louis and lewis. The doctors check me and i don't answer harry. Mike comes to and hits me too. The doctor grabs my wrist and burning wounds and cuts are everywhere on it.

"Niall..." i hear harry saying. By the way how he says it he is tearing up, he feels bad for leaving which he shouldn't cus i would have left too. I would have left myself there too. Harry leaves with Mike and Louis and Lewis sit down. "You scared us fucking asshole" lewis says. I look down and i just needed this to work. Lewis pulls me in a hug and i just start to cry.

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