chapter 10

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Nialls pov

I wasn't kidding when I ask him for that cigarette so I can die sooner. He just didn't like it which I don't care about but I do care he doesn't want me dead yet. That's nice to know.

"But I do wanna try please" I beg. "You are not getting a cigarette from me Niall!" He says. "Why not?" I ask. "Cus it's gonna kill you," he says. "You do it too!" I say and he smiles. He pulls me a bit closer and hugs me. When he pulls away he looks at me.

"Did you tell your parents before the post?" He asks. "Yeah they were very supportive over it along with Greg and theo" i say with a smile.

"Still talk to them?" Harry asks. "Not very much cus simon won't let me talk to me more then once in the 2 weeks. I don't wanna break his rules. That is my death. Okay i should break it" i say but the last part not so loud. "No you shouldn't!" Harry makes very clear. 

Next day
Louis pov

I am watching tv with Freddie when the doorbell rings. I walk to my door and open it. It's liam? Why is he here? He wanted a reunion and i never answered cus i was busy.

"Can i come in?" He asks and i nod. "How have you been?" I ask him making tea. "Still toast with avocado's and i am fine thank you! Feel a lot better. How do you feel?" He asks. "I'm fine besides always worrying about people" i answer. "Louis Tomlinson is worried about people? Who do you worry about?" I nod and look at him.

"Do you talk to niall?" He asks me then. "Yeah i do. Why? You do?" I ask him. "Well he said he wasn't ready for a reunion and now i constantly worry about him. I mean he would be open a few years ago for it right?" I am not sure if the reason is cus he doesn't want to or cus of simon. "Lets go there now then" i say.

"Freddie! Come on we are going to Niall!" I say. "YES ICE CREAM!" We grab our jackets and leave.

We arrive and harry opens the door for some reason. "What are you doing here?" I ask. "I moved it for a little while cus i broke up with olivia. Wanna come in? Niall is doing groceries" harry answers. We walk in and we get tea. "Does niall has his ice cream?" Freddie asks. "I don't know maybe darcy ate it all you know where it is" freddie looks and finds the ice cream.

A little girl comes in. A bit younger then freddie. She probably is 4 or 5 years old. "Dad can i have ice cream too?" She asks harry. "I don't think niall will miss it" harry asks. She looks at us. "Oh hi i am Darcy!" She says. Someone bangs the door and harry opens it. Not much later simon comes in and liam looks at me confused.

"Kids go to darcy's room okay? You can eat there" harry says and freddie looks angry. He knows what simon does but darcy clearly doesn't. "Freddie come here" i say. He comes to me. "I wanna kick his fucking ass" he says angry. "I know so do i. Darcy doesn't seem to know anything so go upstairs and make sure you don't come down till we call you okay?" He nods and they go upstairs.

"So we are gonna have a reunion now?" Simon asks mad. "What the hell do you want?" I ask angry. "I want harry out! He has a bad influence on niall. I had a deal with you! Liam just go back where you were no one actually wants you" simon says. "Harry is not leaving. I don't give a fucking shit about that deal neither does lewis cus we actually want niall alive. Also don't ever involve Liam with YOUR fucking shit! You hate us so much you react it on niall!" I tell him.

"You're just angry cus he has people around him! He can't even see or speak with his fucking family! 1 time in 2 weeks simon! That isn't normal!" Harry says mad and liam is just confused.

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