chapter 3

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Louis pov

I'm happy niall finally came out to me. "Was it that obvious?" I nod. "Yeah it was. So you wanted to come out to me?" He nods.

"I did wanna come out last night by James but I couldn't even normally look at him! I'm jealous at him and I don't know why? He won't leave me alone ever since yesterday and he says I lost to much weight" I didn't wanna tell him so I'm happy Harry did.

"You did niall! Don't say didn't cus you did and it makes me worried! It worries me a lot" I say. I get than a DM from Harry.

Niall is with you right? Does he tell you why he's mad at me??

He's here but I can't tell you it's up to him to tell or not. I go to go bye

I lay my phone away again and niall grabs my phone. "I told him not to do this!" I look at him. "Niall you have to talk to him" he shakes his head. "No he- I don't know what to say to him! I don't know what to expect from him! What if he did change but not in a cool way! He probably thinks I'm a big asshole and he has his stupid girlfriend Olivia! Everyone hates me"

"Freddie do you hate niall?" I ask. "No he's the best! I can have ice cream in the morning if I stay with him" I look at niall and he smiles. "You won't stay and nialls for a while" I say. "Awh man" Freddie says. We laugh and after a while niall leaves.

Nialls pov

I go home when I get a dm from Liam Payne what is weird cus we haven't talk to each other.

Hey mate how are you??

I'm fine how are you??

Definitely fine too.
I had a question do you still talk to the other lads?

Only Louis and since yesterday with Harry. But not so much to Harry. Why?

I thought maybe we could see each other sometime and you were the glue so I thought you know that you wanted to do that

I don't know if I want that sorry😕

That's okay just tell me when you think you want to!

I lay my phone away again and I turn on the TV. I see an interview of Harry so I just watch it.

"Do you still talk to the lads from 1D?" He nods. "I tried to talk to Niall but he is angry with me I think and the others not!" He answers. "Do you wanna talk to niall?" He nods again. "Yeah I mean he was one of my best mates and I miss to spend time with him"

"And you have a relationship with Olivia Wilde how do you feel when  you're with her?" "I feel safe when I'm with her and it's nice" I switch the TV to an other channel.

Harrys pov

I am done with the interview so I wanna go to niall. I just need to talk to him. I drive to his house and when I ring the doorbell no one opens the door. I ring it again but than again no one opens.

I look through the window and see him on the couch laying. He probably fell asleep. I get a call from Olivia. "Hey love are you on your way home?" She asks. "Yeah uh I am on my way" I drive home and olivia gives me a kiss.

We walk inside and she made dinner. Maybe I can invite niall once to have dinner with us. He wouldn't mind that right?? Olivia wouldn't mind that either right??

"Can we invite niall once??" I ask her. "Uh yeah if he wants to than he can" I grab my phone and ask him.

Do you wanna join me and Olivia once for dinner??

It's delivered but I don't think he'll see it today. I'll wait till he answers.

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