chapter 8

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Harrys pov

I go home after a while and I really wanna stay with Niall. I walk in and Olivia looks at me angrily. She already brought darcy to school.

"Where were you?" She asks madly. "At Niall like I told you!" I answer. "Oh, that attention whore? Like he's gay" I get a little angry now.

"He is okay! Why do you need to be so mean to him?! He's the best lad I have met and I'm breaking up with you! I want darcy from Friday till Monday" she shakes her head. "No! I never wanted that stupid kid in the first place! You take her all the time I just stay here" "also fine" I go to Niall's.

He opens the door but won't let me in. "What's wrong?" I ask him worried. "Simon did worse and he's here now so can you come back later please?" He has tears in his eyes and now I look at him he has no top on which worries me. I see scars everywhere. They're just made cus he's still bleeding a little. I nod and decide to go to Louis.

I ring his bell and he opens it. "You alright mate?" Louis asks as I have tears running down my face. I shake my head and Louis let me in.

He brings me tea as we sit down. "What happened?" He asks. "Uhm I get to live with Niall but I just saw him covered in bruises and scars. Louis he was still bleeding" I tell him. "Let's go!" Louis says and I look confused. We go to Niall's house and Louis kicks his door in. We see Niall getting hit over and over again. It breaks me to see this.

"Get the hell out Simon" Louis yells loudly. They look angry at us and I take off my hoodie. I give it to Niall he puts it on. Niall starts to lose his balance but I can catch him. "I don't feel so good" he then says. We drive to the hospital and Niall passed already out.

They take Niall to the OR so they can operate Niall. "You family?" The doctor asks. "No, but his mum is on her way," Louis says. Louis just called Maura so she's here anytime soon.

Louis looks at me smiling. "What's so funny man?!" I ask angrier than normal. "Well, the fact you haven't changed. I mean we all took care of Niall but you the most. It was cute and everyone loved it"

"Why can't we all just treat people with kindness? Why is the world so hard for everyone?" Maura walks in and hugs us.

"Thank you! I am gonna kill Simon Cowell!!!" She then yells. The whole hospital can hear it I'm sure. "No I will for you" Louis says then.

We wait and then we can see Niall. "Hello hunny how are you?" Maura asks. "My rips are broken and I can't sing for the next few months" Niall answers. I sit down next to him and Maura and Louis leave the room.

"I'm sorry I left" I say almost crying again. "It's alright! How did it go with Olivia?" I look at him. "She doesn't want Darcy at all!" I say. "She can stay at mine too" I smile and nod. "Thanks Niall" I say. He looks confused at me. "For what?" I smile again. "For not changing and make very good music but I need to know was it about a specific person?" I ask smirking. "It was but can't tell you who sorry" he says.

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