chapter 7

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Harrys pov

I agree it's cruel but he could have done worse. He could have hired someone to rape niall. Yeah he would do that! I give niall a little kiss on the head. He stopt crying and fell asleep I think.

"You stay with niall?" Lewis asks. "Yeah sure" I answer. "Okay well I got to go! I got an interview in 6 hours and it's a 5 hour drive!" I wave and as he walks away.

Niall looks the best when he sleeps. Sometimes I just forget how vulnerable niall is all the time and that he cares about what people say and think about him.

I go through his hair while he's asleep. I get a text from Olivia.

where are you? I miss you and darcy has to sleep

I'm at nialls you can take darcy to bed right?

🙄 sure

I feel a hand grabbing my phone and lays it down. "You alright?" I ask niall. "You can go home" he says. "No I'm gonna leave you like this! I'm gonna make you dinner!" He looks at himself and shakes his head. "No not hungry" he says. "That's the biggest lie ever!" I say.

I stand up and look everywhere for food but no one. "Your girlfriend is keep texting you" niall says. "Tell her I stay the night here" he looks over the couch and he looks confused.

"She's toxic" niall says. "How do you know?" I ask him making dinner from things I found. "I had a boyfriend like this" he says. He sits on the table and I look at him. "You had a boyfriend and never told us?" I ask.

"Yeah but he was toxic. I found him cheating with a girl so I broke up" "good I wouldn't have liked him anyway" I answer.

"Why?" "Cus no one is good enough for our nialler" he smiles weak. The real reason I wouldn't have liked him is cus I have been in love with this lad ever since we met.

After a bit I'm done cooking and we eat. Well niall plays with it. "Niall I will push it in your mouth if you're not gonna eat" he starts to eat. After a while we're done eating and we watch a movie together. He falls asleep in my arms again. I'm thinking of breaking up with Olivia cus niall is right. She is toxic and the only I'm with her now is cus of darcy. I fall asleep too.

Next day
Nialls pov

I wake up in harrys arms and I just stay for a while. Its nice with Harry and he doesn't judge me for anything. He moves and I fall from the couch. He wakes up and looks at me. We burst out laughing together.

"You alright mate?" He than asks helping me up. "Yeah" I answer. "I'm gonna break up with olivia" he than says. "Why?" I ask. "Cus you're right she's toxic and I don't want toxic people" he smiles. "But what about darcy?" I ask. "I have her the weekends and she the week"

"Where do you wanna stay?" He shrugs. I look around and I have 3 spare rooms. "You can come here till you found something" I suggest. He nods smiling and he makes tea.

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