chapter 2

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Nialls pov

I grab my phone after screaming and yelling like a little girl and I see I missed a DM

You alright mate? You looked pale and you cut me off soon

I'm fine just had to do important stuff like I said before

Just tell me if something is wrong cus you lost a lot of pounds too these years!

I said I'm fine didn't I?

So you're just gonna ignore the fact I care for you niall?

I just leave it at open cus I am gonna do that! I'm gonna ignore him for the rest of the days! I go live on insta while I play the guitar. I see lewis watches so I invite him to be live with me.

"Ello mate how are you?" He asks happy. "I'm alright what about you?" "I saw the late late show with Harry" he says smiling at me. "We talk about that later alright?"

Harrys pov

He just let me on seen! What if he blames me for breaking up the band? What happend to that happy lad that I liked and was friends with? I decide to go to the pub what he told me about.

When I arrive I get a beer. I start to drink a little and than I see lewis capaldi walking in. He comes sit next to me. "You did the late late show very well" he says getting a beer too. We toast and I drink a bit more. "Is niall mad at me?" I ask him. "No he's just confused"

Lewis pov

He is mad at Harry but I'm not gonna tell him that. Than he wants to know why and I can't tell him that.

"Why is he confused? Did I do something wrong?" I shake my head. "Look niall has just an hard time and you can't tell him I told you he has an hard time!" I say. It is true ever since I met niall he doesn't eat as much as he did in his time of 1D.

Some fans take pictures with us. After while we're really drunk and I call niall. "Mate whats up?" He asks. "We're really drunk" "mate who's we?" He doesn't sound happy. Harry grabs the phone over from me. "The person you ignore today" he says.

Harrys pov

"The person you ignore today" I say. "I'm gonna pick you 2 idiots up where are you?" He asks. He sounds angry and very annoyed. "Your favourite pub" I answer. He hangs up and not much later niall arrives.

He grabs our arms and we get pulled in his car. "You 2 are the worst people in the world!" He yells at us. We stay quiet but I can't stop looking at him. He's the most handsome man in the world.

We arrive at his house and we walk in. "It's so big" I say. He places me on the couch with lewis and he walks to an other room.

Next day
Nialls pov

I hope the lads have a big headache. I walk in the living room. Would lewis go to Harry on purpose? He knows I liked him. I make my own breakfast. Harry wakes up and grabs my  plate. You know what? I'm not even hungry right now.

"I have a headache" he says. "Your own fault" lewis wakes up too. He makes his own breakfast. "Why did you make my breakfast but not his" Harry asks. He got a bit arrogant these days.

"It wasn't yours" I say. "Oh I'm sorry niall" he pushes it back to me. "No thanks" lewis grabs a glass of water and something against the pain. he gives 2 to harry and they drink ik.

"Can you bring us home niall?" Lewis asks. "Fine let's go than" I say grabbing my stuff. "Can we talk alone first niall?" Harry asks. "Fine but leave me alone after that"

We go to my room where are pictures of the time in 1D and me and lewis. "Niall you have been annoyed and angry at me. I just wanna know what i did!" He says. "Wow 3 very good albums and you've begun to be a bit more arrogant! A few more albums and you become the most arrogant person I've known"

"Niall I'm not here to argue I just wanna talk" "don't bother to do that! I don't wanna talk to you! I have Louis and lewis that I talk to!" "Lou? Our Louis from one direction? You still talk to him?"

I nod. "Yes! I'm seeing him today so please leave me alone. I have important shit to tell him and I can't let you ruin it harry" I tell him.

I drive to his house and he didn't talk to me anymore. Good! When he gets out he thanks me for the ride. Lewis looks at me and places his hand on my knee. "Have fun with Louis today!" He gets out too and walks home.

I drive to Louis house and knock on his door. Freddie opens the door and he high fives me. "You've grew so much!" I say. We walk in and Freddie continues playing Minecraft.

"People saw lewis and Harry in your favourite pub wanna tell me?" I shake my head as Louis gives me tea. "So you said you had something important to say" He asks me. "Well I wanted to tell in the late late show with James but it was Harry and I just didn't wanna tell him in the show! I mean I know he would find out sooner or later I just didn't wanna say it straight in his face"

"You liked him!" Louis suddenly says. "What?" I ask him. "For me it was obvious for the other lads it wasn't. Niall I'm totally fine with that! Why do you think that time in the gay bar I went crazy?" I shrugs. "It was so Simon wouldn't see you did that too"

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