chapter 11

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Liams pov

I am confused right now. Why the fuck is simon in nialls house? I grab my phone and DM Niall.

You can't go home yet. Simon is in your house

You're also in my house? But to late already getting in

Not much later niall walks in and simon just hits Niall. You can see the hand print on his face. "Well also hello" niall just says. "Listen fucking simon. You made lewis and me very mad. Go away!" Louis tells him. Simon walks out angrily. He smashes the door.

"Hey liam" niall says getting the groceries where they belong. "Thats all? Hey liam? I am confused and someone is gonna explain to me what the fuck just happened" i say. "Simon is still my manager doesn't like the fact i came out so he is mad" niall explains.

"He hit you" i tell him. "Liam. It is not much that i can do about okay? I can't ever get rid of him! You know how he is" niall says and he has a good point. "Why are you here?" He then asks. "I am worried about you. I called you a couple times never answered, the fact you're not up to a reunion which is fine but it just didn't seem like you" i say.

"I'm not so much on my phone to be honest. Get lucky if i even answer cus i almost never answer anymore. Well now you saw why i don't want a reunion and i am fine. Nothing i never had" niall tells me.

"Out of us 4 who did you had a crush on? With zayn?" Louis asks. Niall looks angry at louis for some reason and then he mumbles a name. "Say it again please?" I say. He shakes his head and walks upstairs. Harry follows him.

Nialls pov

I come in my own room and harry walks in. "You liked me?" He asks sitting down. Why did he hear that? "Like" i correct him. He smiles and me and just hugs me. "Well, i have a smart daughter and she told me i am being different when i am around you. Happy, not stop talking about you and sometimes she noticed me blushing" i look at him.

"Niall. I like you too! A lot! Since a long time now and it drove me crazy when you ignored me these past days" he says and i feel tears in my eyes. He grabs me and hugs me. I places a kiss on my head and i feel myself blushing. "I'm sorry" i say sniffing. "It's fine niall. You just wanted to protect yourself" harry says. "And you. Simon isn't very nice but you already knew that!" I say.

"I know. Niall, i love you and if you want i like to go on a date with you. Either be home or outside. You can decide" he says. He whipes away my tears and makes me look at him. "What about Darc?" I ask him. "We have Liam and louis. I think lewis also likes to babysit but i don't think i want that" harry says and i laugh.

"How about non of th9se with Darcy? Bring her to your mums or my mum. I think louis and lewis will learn her to swear and i think our mums don't mind at all" I say. He gives me a good point. "Tomorrow?" He asks. "Yeah sure" i say.

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