chapter 13

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Nialls pov

We sit at this cute caffee and we order tea. "Wanna go to the beach?" Harry asks. "I thought you had this day figured out?" I ask. "Not really. I don't know what you like anymore. I wanted to take you to nados for dinner but i don't know if you want that" he says.

I smile at him. I just really really wanna fuck him to be honest. Not gonna happen obviously cus he doesn't wanna do me probably. "Uh we could go to nandos tonight" i say.

A group of girls come to us. "Harry can we take a picture with you?" One of the girls asks. There is 1 boy standing with them and he waves at me so i wave back. We had a cake too so i take a bite to make harry proud. "Gross. You're already ugly and fat why would you even eat?" One of them asks.

She is right tho. I shuf away my food and lay my head on the table. "You realize that now i don't wanna take a picture with you right?" Harry asks and i chuckle quiet. "But we are your fans!" An other one wince. "What is his first song he sang?" I ask. "Sign of the times duh" a girl says rolling her eyes. "No not really. I sang what makes you beautiful first. Piss off cus now i have to force my boyfriend to eat" they all leave and the lad smiles at me.

Harry comes to me and grabs the cake. "Come on Ni you need to eat something" he begs. "But she was right" i say looking down. "No she didn't know who she was talking to! She is a  bitch and is maybe a true fan but not a great fan" he answers.

"Directioners are scary" i say with a giggle. "I know right?! They know our blood types" harry says laughing. "Scary people" i answer. I take a bite again and harry looks proud at me. "I do not want any more bites to be honest" i say honestly. "2 more bites please?" He asks. I sigh and just look at it.

"I can't i am sorry" i say looking down. "Yes you can! Also if you eat 2 bites we can sport!" I take 2 bites and we get in the car. We drive to the gym and we sport a little while. After that we go home and he places a kiss on my lips. We start to kiss professionally.

He lifts me up and places me on the kitchen table. We continue kissing and i wrap my legs around him. We have sex together and afterwards we cuddle. "You okay?" Harry asks. "I did it before with lads. Are you okay? Cus well it was different then with girls" i say. "You had sex with girls?" Harry asks. "Not my choice. Simon kinda forced that. Back in 1D i had a boyfriend and simon started to suspect something so he tried to cure me so he made us both have sex but non of us wanted it" i tell him a little sad.

"Niall why didn't you tell one of us?" He asks worried. "Cus i was really scared you all jugde me" i say sad. "Well we would have never" he says. "I know but i felt like that" i say looking down. "I know" he says.

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