chapter 14

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Harrys pov

The bell rings and i open it. "Is niall home?" A man his age asks. "I am sorry who are you?" I ask. "Listen is he home yes or no? I need to talk to him" i get a bit jealous by his amazing looks. "He is" i say and he walks to the living room.

"Simon called me today Niall! He never fucking calls me in years! He thinks i infected you with my sickness and that you infected the other lads!" I get even more confused.

"Is he planning something or not?" Niall asks worried. "He wants us to a camp to make us better. Harry too" he says.

"Sorry to interrupt your conversation but who is he and why did simon call him?" I ask. "This is Mike. My ex from one direction" niall says. "Why would simon call him?" I ask then. They look at each other and Mike nods.

"I am Mike" he says. "Yeah my boyfriend just told me" i say a bit annoyed. "I'm Mike Cowell" he says looking down. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" I yell. "He didn't just uh call me. He came by and litterly tried to take me. I do not wanna go home. You have security can i stay a little?" Mike asks.

"No you can't. I have a kid and simon is already bugging us so leave us alone" i say. Niall looks a bit angry at me. He takes me to the kitchen. "What is wrong with you haz?" He asks a little angry. "He is like his dad probably" i tell him. "No he isn't! I'll make it better for you. He hates his dad more then anyone in this world. If it was up to him Simon would be dead already. He is a good person and i do want him to stay here. I still pay the bills so he stays" niall tells me.

"Fine if he stays i leave with darcy" he looks mad at me. "You know what harry? I shouldn't have let you come here in the first place! I should have never let you get back in my fucking life! You changed a lot and i don't wanna see you! Come back when you changed to the harry who isn't jealous! Get your fucking shit and leave! Darcys rooms stays the same" he says with teary eyes.

Before i can say something he walks away so i grab my stuff and go to my mum. They're not home probably spoiling darcy. I lay down on the couch and start to cry.

Nialls pov

He walks out and Mike looks at me. "He doesn't know you broke up with me cus you love him?" I shake my head and give him a room. I go to my own room and lay down on my bed. I just go to the bathroom and that shit head took my knife! He did forget his lighter tho. I start to burn myself. I then lay back down on my bed as mike walks in. "Come down for dinner please?" He asks but i shake my head.

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