🌸~New Beginnings~🌸

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"The ninja! They're back! The ninja are home! Haha! The ninja are here." The monks cheered as we stepped out of the destiny's bounty

But even their happy moods couldn't cheer us up.

"What is it?" Master Wu looks at us in worry

"It's Cole. He—He's gone." I say with a shaky breath

"He fell into the darkness." Kai explained

Wu blinks rapidly, stunned by the news. "A-And the Realm Crystal?"

"We destroyed it, but it didn't stop them." Lloyd informed

"What do we do now?" Misako asked

Garmadon appears at the gateway. "Luckily, you have me."

"Garmadon?" Misako shuddered

"Misako. The old me would have something heartfelt and sweet. But, I am no longer that man." He walks towards Wu. "Wu, wipe that gloomy look off your face and do something with this." He tosses the Golden Armor at Wu, and walks away.

Wu catches the armor. "The Armor of the Golden Master."

"If we melt it down and reforge the weapons of Spinjitzu, we might still have a chance." Nya told

"Prepare the forge." Master Wu instructed

Kai sighs. "I guess I better get to it, huh?"

"Kai, you're the Master of Fire. You can do this." Nya encourages

"Yeah. Right. How hard can it be?" He takes the armor from Wu, walks to the forge with his friends following him.

Wu sighs sadly next to me "Cole." I stayed silent, I didn't know what to say.

Kai wears his blacksmith outfit and throws fire at the forge. "Let's do this." He lowers the golden armor into the fire, melting it.


"The Bow of Breeze." Kai stated passing my bow and arrow sack to me.

I took them immediately feeling the energy in them. "It's been so long..." I mumble quietly.

"And the Scythe...The Scythe of Quakes." He turns to to Nya.

"That was Cole's." Nya frowned

"I think he'd want you to have it." Kai put in. Making Nya gasp, she turned to me for some sort of permission?

I gave a small nod and just then a monk rings a bell, signaling the Oni are coming.

"The darkness." I say as we all run out from the forge to see the Oni coming.

"It's here." Lloyd announced

Me and Jay start to gesture the rescued citizens into the monastery. The Omega leads the Oni up the path towards the monastery. He stops to take a look at the ninja taking stance.

"So, begins the end." The Omega proclaimed

Faith appears at the entrance, with a sword in her hand.

Kai gasps, as Jay lectured her. "You should be resting, Faith. You're not fully healed yet."

Faith walks down towards us. "If the end is coming, I will face it on my feet."

Wu appears at the gateway. "As will I."

"Hm. I did not expect to fight alongside you again." My father commented

"Nor I you. It seems life has a few surprises left for both of us." We see the Oni approaching. "Close the doors!" The monks close the doors. "Quickly!"

•The World Isn't Ending• (Cole x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now