The son of the king

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Standing between Luffy and Sabo, you chuckled at the bottle Ace pulled out "we'll decide our future in the future" he said placing it on the cut tree "maybe we'll go to sea separately!" Sabo turned to you with his usual smile "if we did, we'll definitely meet again!" You spoke "hey! You stole Dadan's bottle, didn't you?" Luffy pointed out "you know about this? If you exchange cups, it makes you brothers" Ace said opening the bottle "Ahem!" You coughed and he let out a yelp 'I forgot !' Sabo side Ace eyed sweat dropping, and Ace nodded like he can read his mind "you'll be our partner! Our right arm! You have your own brothers right?" Ace said pouring down at the four cups as you nodded "oh yeah..well that sounds good to me~" you hummed in agreement.

"When we become pirates, we might not be on the same ship together...but the four of us will always be a family!"

"No matter where we are or what we do...this bond will never be broken! Starting today..WE'RE A FAMILY!!" 

When Ace finished his speech you all clicked your cups together


"HE'S TURNING LEFT!!" You announced to the others as Ace held tighter into his weapon "Sabo! He's coming to you!! Don't let him get away" Ace told him as they both ran after the Danpa you were on "he's fast isn't he!!" You laughed holding tightly into his fur "alright!" You looked at the hill infront of you standing up on the animal's back "Luffy!! You better not ruin this!!!" You jumped grabbing into a tree branch with a hand before letting go for Ace to catch you "GET READY, LUFFY!!" Sabo called out, you ran between the two boys watching Luffy jump off the hill, falling on the animal and knocking it out "good job! Luffy" you praised him taking off your hood off your head to feel the cold breeze as the three celebrated.

Getting on the animal's back next to Luffy he wrapped his arms around you and span you around "YAY! MY FIRST HUNT!!", but when you looked up, your eyes went wide up at the tiger who stood far away "GET DOWN YOU TWO!" Sabo told you getting into his position, Luffy huffed confused placing you down "damnit.." you narrowed your eyes at the animal "Luffy! Watch your back" Sabo warned worried "it caught wind of our prey" Ace pointed out, grabbing into Luffy you looked at him "you got two choices! Either fight it or run" you asked as he looked at you "I don't run away!!"

"Running is fun~" You giggled as you looked at Sabo who held Luffy under his arm running behind Ace who had you on his shoulder "shut up! You're not even running!!" Ace scolded you "then put me down!!" You hit his back but he just ignored you.

Taking off your jacket you hanged it and took off your hair tie letting your hair free "home sweet home~" You sighed feeling the warmth of the fire Sabo light up before glaring at the three who yawned "oh no you don't!" You grabbed the three by their collar "Ow ow ow!! Sora you're choking us!" Ace yelled as he was getting dragged "I'm not letting you sleep with your outside clothes!" You scolded them pushing the three into a corner then putting their folded clothes on the floor and walked off "is this what they call a woman's touch?" Sabo scratched the back of his head confused but the other two shrugged.

You laid down the covers on each bed and looked proudly at the four beds, it was like a star, You and Luffy were on opposite sides and between you, were Ace and Sabo.

"I'm hungryyy" Luffy whined patting his stomach only to get hit by the two other boys "it's your fault!" They scolded him making you laugh. Feeling the sleep kick in you yawned then laid your head into the pillow seeking the warmth as you fell into slumber, only to hear the three other chat and yell.

"The big tiger? Are you serious?" You heard Ace talk making your eyebrows twitch of anger "yeah! And who's gonna defeat it will be our Captain" Luffy answered. As the three talked, they flinched hearing the cover shuffling making them slowly turn to look at your back that was facing them, the black aura surrounding you made their bodies tremble "S-sora! you woke up" Sabo stuttered yet you didn't answer "You--.." You turned letting them see your murder eyes feeling it make a hole into their chest.



Then you met an old man called Naguri, he saved you from the attack of a big bear without even touching him! 

"What?! You were a pirate and a captain, Naguri?" Sabo asked shocked while you bit into the hot fish between your hands a feet on Luffy's cheek because he reached to eat it "you made the bear turn away just be staring at him, like Shanks!!" He then laughed impressed and you nodded.

The old man told you about the king of pirates Gold Roger, despite being amazed you noticed that Ace was gone, now that you think of it, he always had this hatred look on his face everytime the man was mentioned..

You didn't feel like it was important to ask, maybe Ace was jealous of how strong the King of pirates was, or because you and Luffy loved him so much. You always thought of an excuse, until Sabo told you why...

" the son of Gold Roger!!??" You yelled standing up at the words of Sabo, eyes wide open and jaw dropped like Luffy who had his cheek sticking to yours "I don't know why but he doesn't like Roger for sure" Sabo said putting the cooked fish on his back "but that's his father, right?" Luffy asked confused as you turned to look up at the wooden house on the tree "Ace.." You mumbled his name in a hurt tone as you clenched his fist, was he suffering...because of his father? You thought to yourself recalling his words that day on the hill..

"I understand that you wanna ask him about Roger, but just don't okay?" Sabo told you and Luffy his eyes traveling between you both, while Luffy nodded you just kept quite and followed the two "Bye bye Naguri-san!" You waived at the old man as he smiled waiving back 'She's just like him..'

"Oh Ace! I didn't know you were home!" Sabo walked in speaking with a cheerful tone yet Ace stayed quiet as you and Luffy walked in speaking at the same time.

"Oh Ace! I didn't know your father was Roger"


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