Weird pirate group

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"I-is Nabi guub? Bibi-chwaan" Sanji bit into a tissue as he sobbed, all eyes were on Nami as she laid uncomfortable on a bed, you along Luffy, Vivi, Usopp and Sanji surrounded her while Zoro stayed outside to look after the ship.

"Even the slightest symptoms can lead to death if ignored, is there anyone on the ship with medical knowledge?" When Vivi raised her head for an answer, the only thing she got was Luffy and Usopp pointing a finger on Nami with a hand while the other pointed to you and Sanji sobbing on the side

"I just have basic ones, While my powers can only help with injuries, not sickness" ah, this was a Chance for Vivi "what do you mean?" She asked "in general, my powers help the cells of the body multiply faster to heal and close the wound, in some cases like death, it acts like a rewinding, like going back in time..but sickness? Not only I don't know what's wrong with her, I am limited" you explained, you knew she was curious, but the only thing you feel right now...was being useless..helpless, her life was at risk and you could just sit and watch..

"Is being sick really that painful?" Luffy turned to Sanji and Usopp "Dunno, can't ever say I've been sick myself" but they just tilted their heads


🃏:"Nope not once"

👑:"EVEN YOU??"

🍶:"Can a person stand on top of the ocean?"

You all raised an eyebrow at the question coming from Zoro, "the heck are you asking, Zoro?" Usopp asked him but the boy remained silent for a few minutes, observing from the telescope on his eyes before he spoke again " do you explain that?"

Moving your eyes to where he was looking, you were met by a funny looking guy with big arms, standing on top of the ocean.. literally. Luffy and Usopp had to wipe their eyes while you raised an eyebrow and squinted your eyes at him .

It was a long silent as you stared at each other, shivering from the cold that you could let out those smoke things when you breath, "quite cold today, isn't it?" Until the man spoke "..yeaaah, it is pretty cold today" Luffy answered "Y-yeah, for real. It's freezing today.." Usopp also spoke "Indeed indeed, I'm getting chills.." you nodded wrapping the blanket around you tighter "is that so?" And that man added.

Yet the moment he said that, the sea waves started to wobble even more, to the point where the ship began rocking back and forth and a giant water fall appeared before you eyes, making the ship almost flip over, Usopp grabbed into the neck of Merry head, while you slipped and grabbed into him "A watermelon??" Luffy yelled in shock "a decorated egg!" You managed to get up with some of Usopp's help and began walking to Luffy to get a better look, and a strange laugh came from the ship. This wasn't a good sign..

"What's going on out there!?" Sanji came out to check, but stopped in his tracks after observing his surroundings, he sighed and closed the door behind him to not disturb NAMI nor Vivi, he pulled out a packet of lighters and light up his cigarette "Hm..well? What's going on..?" He asked again, this time his voice calmer "nothing new" you shrugged "we were ambushed" Luffy informed, "yeah, that's what I figured from the looks of it.." the blond took a smoke as he took a long around, at least four man holding their guns right at your head, Luffy's, Zoro's and Usopp's who he was shaking.

"Hmm..that makes 5 people in total..there can't be only 5 people on this ship" a fat man chewing on a piece of meat held by knife got on the ship "more like 10..just you is enough for 5 people " you looked him up and down and the man closest to you clicked on his gun ready to shoot..Until the fat guy bit into the knife, you felt shivers down your spine by just looking "well whatever..let me ask you something. We wish to head for Drum kingdom. Do you happen to have an eternal pose or even a log pose on you?" He asked, throwing the rest of the broken knife and eating it.

"No and we've never heard of that place before" Sanji answered crossing his arms while Luffy just told him to leave. Yet this man, opened his jaw wider than his own body, and took a bite from the ship and chewed on the piece "WHAT THE HELL IS WITH THIS DUDE??" Usopp yelled in disbelief while Luffy moved to stop and you put your hand on your weapon "DON'T EAT OUR SHIP!" Straw hat ordered but the enemy began eating the Anchor rope like it's spaghetti "Don't you dare move! His highness is in the middle of a meal!!" One of the minions ordered, holding his gun higher towards Luffy but the raven haired boy just bonked his head, a signal to start defending

🍶:"should've done this from the beginning"

🚬:"So I can beat their asses now? Don't touch Sorachi-swan!!"

🃏:"Don't cause much ruckuss, We don't want Nami's health to worsen"

🎯:"w-w-wait! I'm sure we can talk it out!!"

You let your scythe fall between your fingers, spinning it around you just fast enough to block the bullets and make them shoot back at the enemy, blood gushing out as they fell down "careful with them~" you stuck your tongue out as placed your weapon on your shoulder "are you okay!? Sorachi-swan!!" Sanji yelled and you nodded giving him a thumb up that he fawned over "still gorgeous even when you attaaaaack~

But as you turned to check on Luffy, you stepped to the side as your eyes followed his hands stretch over, even surpassing the ship, but when you looked back, you was inside the man's mouth, he was trying to chew him.

"You like it? It's a new flavor of gum" you stepped to them spinning your scythe around as the man eyes could only follow you walk behind him, grip tight into your weapon, raised it up in the air and slammed it to his back "SPIT HIM OUT!!" and his jaw dropped as his eyes rolled to the back and you moved away, Luffy came out and pulled his hands back, before slamming them with great force into the enemy's stomach "GET OF MY SHIP!!" and sending him away.

You sighed before noticing Vivi looking at you and Luffy eyes wide open "Vivi, is Nami okay?" You asked with a soft voice making her snap back and she nodded, after a few threatening, the weird pirate group left.

"Hah.." the orange haired female opened her eyes, it was dark and the only sound she could hear was the clock and Luffy snoring, sitting up, she felt a tug on her arm making her notice your hand holding hers, fingers intertwined as you gripped on it while sleeping peacefully, on the other side, was Vivi, and the rest of the room was the boys sleeping on the floor. It was enough to make her loud beating heart relax a little..she has a family around her now..


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