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Luffy cried dragging his feet behind Ace and Sabo who were on the edge of beating him up "you got a real bad habit, Ace! How can you refuse to run away when you're against a real pirate?! WHY DO YOU HAVE SUCH A DEATH WISH!!??" Sabo scolded his friend avoiding looking at him while Ace kept quite "SORAA!! I was so scared!! I thought we were gonna die!" Luffy sobbed reaching to grab your passed out figure on Ace's back but the boy turned to him raging "SHUT UP! How long you gonna keep crying?! I hate cowards and crybabies!" Ace yelled him only to let out an "oh" after Luffy stopped sobbing and crying by shutting his mouth close.

"Just move! We gotta take her to that Dadan woman!" Sabo called them as they started to move again in complete peace.

"Thank you" Luffy spoke breaking the silent, bowing down as he started to tear up again "Tha-Thank you for sav--*Hic*..." He started to sniff making Ace build up with anger again "Why you little.." He was about to scream again but Sabo cut him off "Hey Hey! He's just thanking you!" The blond grabbed his wrist stopping the raven haired boy as he huffed "y'know what!? Give her to me!" Sabo said making Ace throw a glare at him "and why!?" He asked another vein popping out of his cheek making Sabo raise an eyebrow.

Carefully placing you on Sabo's back, the boy felt your slow breath touch his skin as he stood up.


He went back into walking behind the two boys, since Ace know the way more than anyone he was taking the lead. Suddenly, he stopped and began looking around "Wha..what's wrong?" Luffy asked stepping away, then Ace walked to some tree and knelled down "how much?" He mumbled leaving the other two confused "what do you mean?" Walked up to him Sabo and then got to look at what was hidden from Ace's figure..

There, rested some beautiful white Lilies under the tree, Sabo blinked for a few times and so did Luffy "Ace..i didn't know you were this type of guy" The blond said with a blank look making his friend turn bright red "IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!" He yelled before scoffing "it's just..I feel bad okay?!" He looked away avoiding the gaze of the two boys "does she like flowers?" He asked picking up three and standing up as Luffy nodded "here" he gave him one, then went back to walking "I'll hold yours, Sabo.." He told his friend as they both went back to following him "but..they'll die before she can get theeem" Luffy whined feeling his dry tears being replaced with new ones when he remembered what happened last time.

Ace turned to him confused raising an eyebrow "last time something like this happened...she didn't...she didn't" he mumbled clenching into the little white flower almost crushing it "she didn't wake up for two days!!"

"OH MY LORD! SORAAA~~" Dadan knelled down with teary eyes taking you from Sabo very gently "EVERYONE!! EMERGENCY~!" She screamed shutting the door shut, Sabo raised an eyebrow turning to Luffy and Ace but they just shrugged, then the door opened again revealing Dogra "Sorry. You can come in. Ace, and you...come, you need treatment too" he spoke letting the three of them in "DOGRA!! GET COLD WATER!! SHE HAVE HIGH FEVER TOO!!" Hearing that the little man flinched before disappearing at the blink of in an eye "hang in there! Boss!"

"LUFFY! ACE!! WHAT HAPPENED!? AND WHO'S THAT?!! WHY IS THERE ANOTHER KID HERE??!!" Dadan yelled hands on her hips as she glared at the two boys crushing her cigarette between her lips, Sabo slapped his hand with hers introducing himself "Hey! You're Dadan right? I'm Sabo!" He grinned wildly "Sabo! I know that name! I heard you're a dirty troublemaker!!"

"Oh, i heard you're a nasty old hag!"

Few hours later...

"Why are we doing this, boss?" Dogra whisper peaking from the door frame along with the woman "Shhhh" But his question fell to death ears when she ignored the question and shushed him, both watched the three boys looking at you sleep peacefully, bandages wrapped all over your body, they were waiting for you to wake up, to be the first ones you see, to apologize, to make sure you were okay...

Getting up, Sabo gave his flower to Ace and took the wet cloth from your forehead and dipped it into the cold water before placing it back and going to his place again..

Next day


Luffy cried out rolling left and right his tears covering the floor "SHUT UP!!" At this yell Luffy shut his mouth close and sit down on his knees next to your bed. Ace and Sabo closed the door behind them and Ace gave Luffy his flower before sitting down on the left while Sabo was on the right..and they went back to the staring contest again.

Changing the bandages around your head, Dadan placed you down gently and covered you "at least her fever went down" she said getting up "c'mon dinner is ready" she told the boys but they gulped hesitating to get up, each placed his flower down then walked out to battle for the food..

Then...5 days went by..

"SORA IS DEAD!! AAA-AA--AHHHH!!! AAARGH!" Luffy laid on his stomach on the cold floor hitting the floor with his fists and kicking it, Ace at this point gave up on trying to stop him.

Sabo's sweat rolled down his neck as he looked at you intensely his grip on the small flower in his hand tightened by each minute, no way that will happen, right?...right?

"I'M SORRY SORA!! PLEASE WAKE UUUUP!!!!" Luffy got up and began to shake you aggressively in hoping it will work "hey! What are you doing!?" Ace ran to him grabbing his hand "stop that!" While Sabo grabbed the other and pulled him away, in the process his straw hat fell of his head next to your bed.. 

Pinning him to the ground, Luffy squirmed and kicked trying to push them away "LET GO! WE WERE SUPPOSED TO RULE THE PIRATES TOGETHER!!" He tried to shake them off by they were stronger "Quit saying she's dead, idiot!!!" Ace wanting to punch him at this point "Just wait more!!" While the blond tried to be more soft with him..

"IT'S BEEN 6 DAYS!! SORA IS DEAD!!!! AND IT'S MY FAULT! I'M SORRY SORA! SHANKS!!!" Luffy cried out making the two boys flinch...



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