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Listen to the tree fly with the wind, you shivered when the cold breeze touched your skin making you sneeze "there it is! A storm is coming!" Ace announced holding into the wheel "we're ready for it! Bring it on!" Sabo said excited "oh cool! It's getting windier and windier" Luffy pointed out grabbing into the stick that held your pirate flag "this wind is nothing!" You chuckled walking up to stand next to Sabo only to let out another sneeze, the blond noticed and took off his jacket then offered it to you "what about you?" You mumbled hesitant so take it "don't worry about me" Sabo answered with his big smile helping wear the jacket..

"Cool! We survived the storm!" Luffy said, his arms on your shoulder as he jumped up and down "but the hideout's been destroyed" Sabo said "okay! Let's go and collect materials!" Ace suggested as you pulled out your map "I want a telescope" Luffy let go and ran up ahead as he talked walking backwards "you won't find that kind of thing out there, stupid!" Ace laughed at him as you scanned with the map letting out a chuckle at their conversation "what about you Sora?" Sabo asked making you snap back "hmm" you thought a finger on your chin 'a hat?!' Luffy wondered 'a new map?!' Sabo thought 'a new weapon?!' Ace asked himself "chocolate cake!" You grinned wildly only for them to gasp "That's something you don't found in trash mountain! You're even more stupid!!" Ace scolded you as you smiled innocently "or maybe a sword? Or a cool scarf..oh! Or a navigation book!" You greedy listed out with shining eyes "you said you will teach me some navigation, Sabo!" You smiled at boy as he turned red before looking again "of course!"


"Don't care~"

Kicking the trash in front of you, you looked around for the materials needed until you accidentally stepped on something "Awesome!! A dagger! Maybe Ace would like this.." You mumbled picking up the object and scanning it "it looks kinda new..weird" you looking around confused, before placing it in the pocket of Sabo's jacket 'and I gotta give back Sabo his jacket'

"Ace! Luffy!" Sabo grinned upon seeing his two brothers standing in their fighting pose "I feel dizzy.." Luffy muttered spinning around "Surprise attack!" Hearing that everyone turned as the three boys knew who it was. Jumping up in the air, you hit the man in front of you with the metal pipe making him fall to the ground unconscious "look what I found!" You held up proudly the dagger as the boys gasped "Awesome! It looks brand new too" Ace scanned it as you chuckled "well then! We got a fight to finish!" You spoke taking it back "yeah! If the four of us fight together we'll easily beat those fools!" Ace said with a smirk on his face as you stood next to each other before charging at the group of old men.

Standing in front of the large man, you looked up to him with a blank face of an idiot "attack!" Only for him to fall after down after you hit him right between his legs with your metal pipe "bye bye~" You jumped over him next to finish the next guy as you kicked the side of his head with your foot and landing between Ace and Luffy before charging again..

That's until the leader pulled out a pistol and fired, barely missing your foot "Oops~" you stool on one leg sweating before running with Luffy and sitting behind him, using him as a shield while he hid his face with a piece of wood "Luffy! Pistols don't affect you!" You whispered smacking the back of his head as he gasped an "oh".

Feeling someone grab your head, your feet left the ground when an ugly man grabbed you "Luffy!" You called out after seeing the boy being pinned to the ground "Ace! Sabo!" You then turned when Ace was grabbed and then Sabo.

You saw a group of man weirdly dressed and on the lead was the man that called out for Sabo..his father.

"Let him go!!" You yelled out struggling on the grip of the man when you watch the one holding Sabo drag him, just when you managed to escape he grabbed you again wrapping his arm around your neck "Sora!!" Sabo called you horrified "so they are the ones that tempted Sabo into evil?" His father raised an eyebrow at the three of you making you freeze.

He thinks that you, Luffy and Ace tempted Sabo on running away...but Sabo left by himself, if he admits that to his father he might hurt him..

You stopped struggling and let your head hang low "so what?" You clenched your fist as everyone turned to you "what are you talking about?!" Sabo yelled out "SO WHAT IF WE TEMPTED HIM!!? IT'S NOT LIKE YOU TREATED HIM WELL ANYWAY!" You yelled out coughing later on as the man attempted on shutting you "brought us to life..screw that! If you brought children to make them suffer..MAYBE YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE BROUGHT THEM AT ALL!! SABO IS NOT YOUR TOY!!!" you yelled out glaring at Sabo's father's soul as you felt your blood boil, the blond couldn't only look at you holding back his tears..

"You- how dare you three tempt Sabo on running away?! You thung-wanna be brats!" The man scolded.

"What did you say?!"

"Pirates!! We're pirates! Right Sabo!?"

"ACE!! SORA!!!" Sabo yelled out horrified managing to escape after the men holding you and Ace crashed you two the ground "hey pirate! Be careful when hitting a kid! I got those trash kids blood on me" just when you thought he was actually good for a minute you were wrong..

"Stop! Nobody tempted me! I ran away of my own will" Sabo tried to reason with him father yet he didn't listen..

"I'll do as you say, I'll live as you want.."

At those words you shot your head up to Sabo eyes wide open "please..don't hurt those three I'm begging you..They're important to me, they are my family" he mumbled making you clench your fist.

"SABO! DON'T GO!" Ace attempted on getting up yet he was pushed down again..

"Hey..Sabo" you called out making everyone turn to look at you only to gasp in shock, your body was shaking as the man holding you tried to push you down to the ground again but now you were on your knees hands on the ground, blood dripping from your head "don't worry...a-about us.." You struggled to look at him yet you smiled with a chuckle as Ace and Luffy yelled at him to run, to escape while you kept quiet..

"Don't go! Sabo!!"

"Are you putting an end to your dream??"

 "Let him be..Ace, Luffy. If you want to go with him..go, Sabo.."

"What are you saying Sora?!" Ace yelled at you while Luffy buried his face to the ground.. The blond's lips trembled as his tears left his eyes rolling down his cheeks..

"We'll get you back okay? Promise..Just wait for us.."


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