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A call made everyone stop in their tracks as they turned to the source, Zeff waited for the man that called him to catch some breath, and when he did, the words that came out of him made everyone's jaw drop.


"A young lady~?!" Sanji's eyes instantly changed to hearts "borrowed the kitchen to cook?" Zeff was confused "a meal!!" While Luffy's drool came out of his mouth, Patty had enough and he tightened his locked fingers together again, raising it and ready to hit the customer who dared to come with no money.

"Sorry for the late service" until another voice interrupted him "wooaahh!!!" Sanji clapped his hands together at the beauty he was seeing, a girl walked in front of Patty, and placed a plate of good smelling curry in front of "I know it's little but it's the quickest I could prepare" you smiled gently backing away and standing next to Luffy who gave you a big cheeky grin and the man reached for the spoon with trembling hands, taking some of the white rice and curry and opening his lips to finally fill his empty stomach..


But at the corner of your eyes, your eyes went wide open when Patty crashed his fist on the hungry man and even breaking the table. "Woah! He'sh pretty strong!" Luffy nodded, munching the food in his mouth. Now it explained why there wasn't any food spilled on the ground...cause Luffy grabbed the plate before it crashed down..

Patty raised his leg, read to kick the guy again, but a foot stopped him, making the cheering crowd quite down. The glares you sent at them made some drop down, some tremble "you call yourself a cook? I thought you're job was to feed people" you scoffed pushing the man "THIS IS A RESTAURANT FOR PAYING CUSTOMERS! IF HE AIN'T GOT MONEY! I'M NOT GONNA GIVE EVEN A SINGLE BREAD CRUMB TO A BROKE ASS PIRATE!" Patty yelled to your face, pointing at the weak man on the ground. But at the blink of an eye, he was sent to a wall after the blond kicked him in the face "damn shitty cook! Don't yell at a lady like that!!" he scolded, holding into his cigarette between his lips.

"Here..I'll try to get you something later" you took the man's arm and put it over your shoulder to help him stand up, his weight leaned on yours as you slowly guided him outside.

You let him sit down and rest his back on the railing, letting him catch his breath "I'm sorry about the food" you sat on the wood railing and let your arm rest on your knees "no..I..should be thanking you" he mumbled with all the strength he got. It was quite the silent between you both, you were sure Zeff was waiting for you to go back but you didn't. You stayed to look out for the starving man. Side eyeing him, you noticed his bloody face, not only he was starving but also injured, you couldn't help but get impressed of how he was holding on. You smiled wiping the little blood drop of your nose then noticed the man wipe his eyes, he thought he just saw some light making him think he died but it was gone.

Until the blond came out, a plate in his hand that he placed in front of the pirate which he instantly grabbed and started devouring, and at some point he began to cry of how good and delicious it was.

"You seem like a good chef" you turned to look at the boy, who was already down on one knee in front of you, he held your hand and placed a kiss on it "never in my long journey in this restaurant that I've seen a beautiful lady like you! Truly! You must a! An angel that god send me! To save me!" His cheesy lines made you chuckle "why thank you" you bowed a little and gave him a smile "I'm Sanji! An A class chef! And the vice head if this restaurant" Sanji introduced himself "I'm Sorachi, it's a pleasure to meet you, Sanji-kun" you smiled and the blond suddenly began to dance around weirdly. You looked up with a smile to find Luffy with a huge grin, his eyes fixed on Sanji before they met yours, nodding to him, his grin grew wider "Hehe~ looks like we found a good cook"

You decided to leave Luffy have his own chat and went back to work, passing by the tables, you could feel the eyes of the customers on you but you decided to ignore them. You opened the door of the kitchen and was met by the delicious smell of food "THE HORS D'OUVRE FOR TABLE THREE IS READY!" you heard a chef announce only to be scolded "THEN TAKE IT YOURSELF ALREADY! BASTARD! WE AIN'T GOT NO WAITERS" it was such a mess.. "I'll take it" you offered grabbing the plates and hoping you wouldn't trip and fall "are you one of the newbies?!" The chef asked and you nodded and began to walk to the door "Sorachi is at your service~" you smiled at the chefs genuinely pushing the door with your legs before walking out.

"So you're table 3" you spoke standing from behind Usopp making the poor boy jolt and almost fall from his seat "STOP DOING THAT!" He yelled with a red face while you place the food on the table with a small chuckle "I was worried we had to keep you guys waiting" you grabbed a chair and placed it next to Nami, sitting across from Usopp who started to devour the food "easy there" you sighed, crossing your arms on the table and grabbing a fork to eat with them, then you had to explain what happened.

"Hey errand boy~" you saw Nami waive from behind you so you turned to find Luffy with a raging face "YOU LEFT ME HERE TO WORK, WHILE YOU GO OUT TO EAT DELICIOUS FOOD ALL BY YOURSELVES?! HOW SELFISH!" he huffed like a baby "did you cause enough trouble that they kicked you out?" You took a another bite eyes still fixed on Luffy while he stomped to your table angrily "SORA! GIVE ME SOME TOO!" The raven haired boy shouted "no! We ordered this, and this is a free world we can do whatever we want" Zoro spoke and you noticed Luffy place some of his nose pick in Zoro's glass then the latter took that cup to drink it only to grab Luffy and force him to drink it "you deserve that~" you started laughing along Nami and Usopp who burst out after holding their laughter.

"Well then I gotta get back to work" you stood up from the table with a small sigh "huh? already?" but Nami grabbed your wrist before she quickly let go "n-nevermind..hurry up so we can leave" the female looked away with crossed arms and you chuckled.

"Okay~ tell me when you finish eating"


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