An old man living inside a whale?

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You were swallowed..

Luffy fell off right before the whale closed his mouth..

But you were swallowed right?

Maybe you're all dead now.

🍶:"What do I make of this..?"

🚬:"Yeah, what's your explanation ? I could've sworn we were swallowed by a whale but.."

🎯:"Are we dreaming or something?"

💸:"Yeah...maybe we're just dreaming"

🃏:"This is a bit fishy"

You were slapped on the head by Nami for that joke..

To make clear what is happening, you were swallowed by that whale, yet you found yourself outside, in front of a house on a little island.

Just as you were all trying to figure out what to do, the ship was shaking before a giant squid came out, making Usopp and Nami jolt in fear and grab into you "what is happening?" You couldn't see as Nami had her arms around your face, and you couldn't move from Usopp who held into you waist down to your legs "I..I've had enough..I wanna go hoooome" the ginger haired female complained as they slowly let you go by both grabbed into one of your arms.

When you finally got to see, it seemed like the monster was defeated but not by Zoro nor Sanji, it had arrows pierced through his body. "Hang on, someone's coming out" Sanji announced as you all looked at the small cottage house, a figure was walking out of it.

"It's a flower!!" Sanji pointed at it "a flower???" Zoro repeated too confused and shocked "a walking flower!??" And you tagged along "wait no! It's a person" The blond boy corrected after looking more carefully, the old man dragged the dead Squidward as you all watched him.

"Was he fishing or did he do that on purpose to save us?" After Sanji uttered those words, the old man suddenly stared at you with deadly eyes, making you all freeze for a few seconds not daring to say a word..

But he just sat on a chair and opened some newspaper..

"SAY SOMETHING!!" It drove Sanji mad as he yelled but the man kept silence, it was only after Usopp told him they can fire canons at him as warning despite that he was shaking "oi..we don't do that to innocent we just met" you tapped his head as you scolded him but the poor boy was even crying "don't. Or someone might end up dead" the old man answered with a calm voice "oh? And who could that might be..?"



Zoro pushed Sanji behind so he can talk, and so the blond can calm down, he asked the man about his name and where were they, but he was met by the refusing as it was too rude to ask someone's identity without giving yours first "he's right" you nodded.

"Right right..I'm sorry about that":🍶

🌺:"My name is Crocus. The lighthouse keeper of twin capes. I'm 71 years old, Gemini, and blood type AB"


"Sorry about them Grandpa, but you could you tell us how we can get out?" You pushed the two behind hoping you'll get a chance to talk "it's right there" you followed where he pointed only to find a door!?


"Then how's that door floating on the sky?" Nami questioned as she looked at it "wait..if you look carefully, the skies and the clouds.." Usopp began to notice "they're all paintings" you sighed out as you raised an eyebrow

🌺:"it's just my way of having a good time"


But then the water began to wobble aggressively, making small waved that crashed into each other as your ship swayed with it, but you all noticed that the island was actually an iron ship, it all made sense! If you were in his stomach, it means this water is pure stomach acid!! "Our ship will be dissolved!!!"

"So he started again has he.." the old man got up "Wait! Can you please explain?" You called him, getting a hold on the railing "this Whale, started bashing his head on the red line again..!" Crocus answered, seeming rather calm like he's used to it, "now that he mentioned it...I noticed the whale's head was covered in scars.. and he was bellowing up at the sky!" Nami spoke as a clear imagine popped in your head, Usopp questioned what it means "it means he's suffering!!"

You raised your head to the top, before looking over the place, until you heard the others yell about the old man jumping to the acid, despite the others thinking he was killing it, your heart told you other wise...You knew better than anyone about healing...about risking your health for someone or something else...

"He's not trying to kill it"

"AAAAAAARGGHHH!!!" sudden yelling echoed through the empty space, and Luffy was indeed one of them "woooah~ Luuuffyyy~" you waived at the boy, finally relived he's okay, you didn't even care about the other figures with him "oh guys! You're alright! Well in any case help me out!" The others pointed at the old man, but you just took off your shirt, Sanji jumping around until you jumped into the water...

'Stop it..Laboon..'

"The whale seems to have calmed down" Nami announced as you gave your hair a squeeze, you smiled at Luffy who sat on a barrel watching over the two strangers he bought with him. "Glad to see you're okay~" you gave him a slap over the head making him fall off the barrel and stumble in his steps till he slammed to a wall.. 'Scary/Beautifully scary~~~' Zoro, Nami, Usopp took a small step away while Sanji did the opposite.

"I WON'T LET YOU LAY A SINGLE FINGER ON LABOON! FOR AS LONG AS I LIVE" everyone turned their heads to the screaming old man, their attention was off the two who got out their weapons.

"Didn't you hear...what he said!" You raised your fist and hit it on each of their heads but not as hard as you can, enough to make them fall unconscious.

You pulled out one of the pieces of your scythe, the one with the blade before throwing it, Usopp had to duck before turning to watch it.

It hit one of the cannons blowing it, "it's going to cut the whale!!" Nami warned, the old man ready to jump but your weapon changed it's route to the side, destroying the second bomb and taking a way back to you..

"Wha-! It's coming back!!" Your crew lowered their bodies so they wouldn't get hurt, while you raised your hand and caught it perfectly in your hand.

"Now..can we get some explanation?"


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