Whiskey peak

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You put your glasses on and sat down the table, placing a few papers and some pens down "oh, you guys are here? I wonder if I should add you.." Your eyes looked left and right at the two shivering in front of you, but they couldn't even answer because of how cold it is.

The weather was just warm and cool a few minutes ago, and now it's all cold and freezing, Nami sat next to you and put her hand in her hair in confusing before looking at the log pose.


"not..again.." you slowly fell off the chair and into the ground, now your other eardrum was busted too..

Your body began to move and fall completely from the chair, it rolled and rolled as the ship twisted till you hit a wall that made you woke up "and I thought Luffy was the loudest..guess I don't need the earplugs anymore" you got up and scratched your head where you hit it

"Not like I need it anymore" you sighed as you opened the door, only to slip on a poodle and as you were about to fall..you went flying "SORA!" Nami called but you managed to get a hold on the main mast rave and pull yourself to the bird nest "what the hell??" You asked as looked down, everyone was going left and right even the two strangers, well their names are Mr9 and miss Wednesday..they were the organization names to help hide their identities, who would name their kid 9?

"Sora! DON'T YOU DARE MOVE FROM THERE UNTIL WE PASS THE STORM!!!" You raised your hands at the yelling, trembling not from the cold but Nami's screaming "okay okay~" you shook your head and sat down with a sigh, even if you tired to help, Sanji wouldn't let you. It was obvious from the meal and hot drink that suddenly appeared next to you 'he's such a sweetheart..' you smiled at it in gratitude.

After a long fighting against the storm..

"Everyone alright? Oh Zoro! You woke-" you shut up after you watched Nami land two hits on him 'Neeeevermiiind..' you decided to pray for his death instead.

The boy was still trying to comprehend the pain and wait for it to settle, Nami was trying to encourage everyone even though she just said her navigation skills failed..well by everyone we mean Usopp, then she held her hands out as you fell into them perfectly before she placed you down, "wow" the rest applauded in amaze as Sanji came to you running to check if you were okay from the fall.

"She fell off?" Mister 9 said in shock "HOW CLUMSY ARE YOU???" he and Wednesday yelled but you just laughed it off.

"Look! The first leg of our journey..is over!" Nami smiled brightly as you all looked ahead, an island was coming into view that all run up to the front to see it properly "I can see giant Cacti!" Usopp yelled "so this is whiskey peak!!" Luffy sat on Merry's head getting a better view.

"Now then, we ask you please to drop us here!!" Suddenly your two guests jumped on the railing "thank you for helping us, my honeys!!" You had to cover your mouth from laughing "bye bye, Baby!!" Then they jumped off..

"Hey hey, you okay?" Luffy tapping your head to check on you, but you were too busy laughing on the floor to answer him "bye bye... pfft- HAHAHA! BABY!!" You punched the ground to calm yourself "I..I c-can't breath!!" You called out as the crew looked at each then laughed along

🚬:"Sorachi-swaaaan I can give you-" 

💸:"DON'T!!! Even think about it!!"

🎯:"I think I've suddenly developed a can't-enter-island disease"

As you ship was enter through the river of the island, you could hear people yelling from afar, "WELCOME! THE THE TOWN OF WELCOMING, WHISKEY PEAK!!!" Then a crowd began to cheer and call for you, making you all look around in confusing and shock, they were happy to see pirates?





They were waiving with the happiest smiles and cheers, the boys couldn't help but waive back, get excited about the ladies, and laugh in joy. 

"Welco- Ahem! Ma ma-maa~~! Welcome my name is Igarappoi" a man holding a saxophone in his hand, the mayor, introduced himself. He explained the warm welcoming as it was their island's hospitality to all new comers. He invited you to attend a party and have some fun since you're here, "GLADLY !!" which Luffy, Usopp and Sanji agreed to without a thought.

Idiot trio: Luffy, Usopp, Sanji

Smart trio: Sora, Zoro, Nami

The party was actually a blast to you all, Usopp in the middle of crowd telling people his stories, Zoro outdrank 10 people while Nami outdrank 12 people! For Nami..it was just for a money prize, Sanji surrounded by the finest and most gorgeous women, Luffy was eating like he never did and you..


You were having an arm wrestling with anyone who came your way.

Slowly but surely, you were all getting tired. One by one, you dozed off as your eyes closed, from tire, drunk, or too happy from the pretty ladies.





🎷:"Not only that.."


"Sorry but..would you let those guys sleep for a bit longer? They're all tired from the journey over here" 

"Isn't Hospitality your middle name? Can't risk waking up your guests with all that yelling"

The voices made the people of town shut their mouths, before looking up to were the voices came from, two shadows sat on the house the straw hats slept in, the light of moon was bright, hiding their faces. But 9 and Wednesday knew exactly who it was.

"A true swordsman, never allow alcohol to take over himself" Zoro raised his sword up high, sitting in a butterfly position "and a vice-captain..should always keep an eye on her a crew" while you sat on the edge of the roof, a leg over your other as you tapped the wall with you scythe, it's noises where harsh, echoing that it reached the graves decorating the little cactus..

The fun is about to start..

"KILL THEM!!!" just as the people were about to shoot, Zoro disappeared out of nowhere, leaving you looking down at their shocked faces, chuckling when they finally found Zoro standing right in the middle with them. "Well then shall we begin?" The green hair boy grinned as half pointed their weapons at him, while the rest especially with guns pointed towards you. 

"Oh shoot! Guess I'm in a tight position~"


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