winter island

435 16 1

Taking a glance at the plate full of fresh food between your hands, you sat down and looked at Nami, her fever haven't gotten down and she was only getting worse.

"Nami~" you shook her gently and she cracked an eye open, her pupils slowly looked at you, weaker that before "food time♡ Sanji just made it for you" you helped her sit up gently and scooped some of the soup for her, "say aaah~" "what happened yesterday.." but she cut you off with her intense gaze "eat first and I'll tell you~" your words made her pout as she opened her lips and ate "we bunch of weirdos attacked the ship" you began to tell her, helping her eat the soup from time to time and giving her pieces of bread "their captain even ate Merry" you chuckled at the memory and she gasped "we managed to get them off before any more damages" placing the plate down and taking a cup with a few pills, you handed them to her "you just focus on getting better" the female froze when she felt your hand on the back of her hand and pull her towards you, and you small lips touched her forehead "hmmm~ at least it didn't raise" a smile was still on your lips as you pulled away before helping her lay down again, changing the cloth above her forehead and taking two coats, then you left..

"Brrrr! It's cold!!" Luffy turned to him friends when the cold finally hit him "could you BE any slower!??" As they scolded and screamed at him, you placed a coat on his shoulders "I heard you guys saw an island" you stepped up to see it, and the little island was getting into better view as you got closer, the fog around her slowly fading when you finally began to enter.

Just as your crew began to plan how you'll find a doctor, it was better to check if people even lived here.


"You must turn your ship around, and leave this island immediately" a man standing in the front of a group ordered "we've come here to look for a doctor" Luffy tried to speak to them, but they won't listen..

No matter how you tried to argue in any way, they'll fire bullets right at you, you stood there looking at them with crossed arms, causing trouble will be the worst option, you needed them to trust you.

But as a bullet pointed towards you, the loud gunshot piercing through the ears and headed your only surpassed you.

And a body fell down..

"VIVI! HOW DARE YOU?!" Luffy scream made you snap, your head turning to the girl, only to find her bleeding, holding down Luffy so he wouldn't attack.

You knelled down like the other two, and placed your forehead on the ground as you bowed to them "we're only asking for a doctor" "Please save our friend" "we have no intentions of attacking" Vivi, Luffy, and you, bowed down begging. Such act made the villagers pull their guns down..

"We'll lead you to our village, follow me" finally, that man nodded, it put relief in your hearts as you and Luffy smiled at Vivi

"We only have one doctor in our country, and she happens to be a witch"

🍖:"Nami, Oi Nami" 🃏:"O-Naaamiii" you and Luffy gently poked or slapped her cheeks to get her to wake up, ignoring the others who screamed at you "Listen, we can't go see a doctor unless we go up a mountain" Luffy informed her "so we're going hiking" you finished "AND I THOUGHT YOU WERE LESS DENSE THAN HIM!" Vivi slapped her face and sighed "what? She gotta know" you shrugged "I can carry her" Luffy argued "and I'll be there for any medical need" you also added, but it seemed your friends won't back down "I'll go with you anywhere, Sorachi-swaaaan" except Sanji..

"I'll leave it up to you two then" Nami's weak voice got your attention, as she pulled her hand for you both, Luffy high fives her and you gently took it "leave up to us!"

After getting ready, you and Vivi made sure she was wrapped tightly around Luffy, "oh by the way!" You spoke making Vivi turn to you curious, only to flinch when she found your faces inches away from each other "how's your injury?" You tilted your head as she turned red and jolted up "I-it's fine! Thank you!!" She bowed and stepped away.

Dalton, the man who lead the growl from earlier, turned out to be this country's military captain, gave you a few warning about the danger you might face, such as aggressive rabbits, falling snow from any earthquake or loud noises, and harsh storms.

And with that, you, Sanji, Luffy who was carrying Nami set off running as fast as you could.

"Sorachi-saan ♡ Let me carry you! It's too cold for your feet!" Sanji offered and you thought for a little "hhmm.." you stopped stepping back avoiding a rabbit who jumped on you. The two also stopped to look at you curious.




"Full ahead! Sanji!" You pointed to the mountain and the boy began running like he never did "yeesssss ♡⁠▽♡ Sorachi-saaaan!!"

As the boy ran, the kept jumping and ducking to avoid rabbits who would try to attack or bite them, you didn't even bother to pay attention to them, at some point..Sanji had enough. "Would you knock in off!!" He kicked one of them "Sanji" you pulled his cheek and the boy was fawning more than to pay attention to the poor thing.

At some point they stopped, "hm?" Luffy gazed around "the hell?" While Sanji was bothered they had to stop "the looked cutely aggressive" you commented at the group of polar bears, well that's what Luffy said they were, who were standing in the middle of your way.

Until one of them jumped and attacked you, luckily, you managed to dodge, but his punch was so strong it even left a mark through the thick snow and to the ground itself.

"Luffy! You must not fight!" You called out for the boy, speaking instead of Sanji so he can focus on dodging "huh?? But why!?" He wa confused but yet listening "you can't risk getting hit! Any blow you take will transfer into Nami!" You grabbed Sanji's shoulder, he understood and gave you a hand, placing a leg on it and jumping, avoiding a paw with sharp claws from shredding you, you grabbed a rabbit that was about to hit Luffy and pulled his ears.

"I'm sorry!" You kicked his back and he lost balance and fell down, but he was quick to be back up just like the others. No matter how much you dodged and tried to lose them, they kept following you without any trouble.




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