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Y/n's POV:

"Dream?" I whispered

"Yes, infact you were humming so contently I almost didn't wake you." A smile so small graced her lips I almost didn't see it.

"If I may ask, what were you dreaming of?" She whispered, pulling me closer till no space was left between us.

Humming I try to find the words to explain what I just dreamt. My eyes narrowed as I realize... I don't remember who I had dreamed of...


My nose scrunched up at the sudden contact. "Some say dreams are the creation of ones deepest desires." Wednesday stated, her eyes reflecting an emotion I couldn't quite read.

"Now you just sound corny" I joke booping her back, only for her to dodge and boop me once more.

Wednesday's POV:

How did I ever find such a gem.

Though she should be more careful who she sleeps near. I could have easily taken her before she could awake...

It doesn't help she  moves in her sleep, though I don't mind I wouldn't want her clinging to anyone but myself. I'm positive that if she did, I wouldn't be able to allow the other to see another day.

(Basically your face was in her chest the whole time)

"Wednesday, how did your parents pick your name?" She asked, her glimmering eyes staring up at me with such innocence, I almost believed she was a angle.

"I was named after most people's least favorite day of the week."

"Isn't Monday worse than Wednesday because its the start of the week?" She asked, her head unconsciously moving to the side in thought.

"I am unsure, as I find all school days to be equally distasteful," I hummed.

"ALRIGHTY CAMPERS ITS TIME FOR EVERYONE TO HEAD DOWN TO THE MAIN CABIN FOR ARTS AND CRAFTS!" The speaker blared, huffing in annoyance I turned back to face Y/n.

"I believe its time for us to leave."

Pouting Y/n retorts, "But the bed would be lonely"

Smirking I lean forward and whisper...

Y/n's POV:

"If that's the case, I'll keep your bra company while I'm gone." She pulls a bra out of thin air causing me to check my chest. Alas she was indeed holding my bra.

Blushing, I lean forward to grab it only for her to pull away and leave the bed. "Well, are you coming then? Or do I need to help your legs move?" She smirked, twirling my bra around as I scramble out of bed a flushed mess.

"How did you even...why did you.." My tongue betrays me as I try to and her how she accomplished this as I slept.

"Maybe I'll show you how when we get back," she chuckled tossing it backs to me.

"Now put it back on before I hold your boobs up myself," she purred walking around me before I scramble to the bathroom.

Huffing I put my bra on and rebrush my teeth, being sure to check for any other articles of clothing she could have taken.

After my once over I walk out and joint Wednesday outside the cabin. "Are you ready?" She asked, eyes skimming around my body as I try to find my voice.

"Then we should start walking, I wouldn't want your siblings to think I killed you." She grabbed my hand and started to pull me along.

"Why would they think that?"


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